Ramblings and Sheave-Gathering

Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves~

I love that hymn. Whenever I'm at a big piece of land with literally nothing but fields, sky, and perhaps a few trees, I always think of it.. even if there aren't necessarily any wheat sheaves to bring in...

=P *and a slight piece of nonsense settles in my brain for a moment, bringing on a hilarious mental picture, bringing on a laugh. Alexandrea: "What was that all about???" "Oh, nothing."*

 It's just when a field is so big... it brings so many thoughts. Most of them aren't my own.. just a mess of things. Like I Love Lucy. just kidding.

Today however- there were no huge fields. There was a (slighly) blue sky. And there were loads of trees. The glitch is that there were no huge fields. And... normally, I like huge fields, though we don't really get them much down here unless you go looking for them. And since I drive my family crazy with the spontenaity that I'm sure I get from the wonderful sense of joy of being in something so amazingly beautiful, I'm forbidden to looking for them. Not that I do, that is.

*this-post-isn't-going-very-well-now-is-it sigh*

I was out today. Trying my hand at golf. I am, to tell the truth, more of a tennis/swimming type of girl. But you know what, I loved it! Don't know if I'll be that good at it, but I do enjoy it. That's saying a lot=)

And I wasn't even in a huge field today...

Okay, now for part number two: Gathering the Harvest

This morning, while I was praying about my verse of the day (which I send out to several people each day-comment with your email if you'd like to receive it too), I came across Luke 10:2, which says, "He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

One of the great principles of harvesting is that the harvest needs to be gathered when it is ripe. The harvest has to be taken at the right time. If it is too early, the fruit is not ready to be taken and if it is too late, the fruit can be ruined. The disciples were admonished to look out for the harvest, and they were to pray that the lord of the harvest would send forth laborers into the harvest, because it was ready to be harvested.
First thoughts on this: isn't it an amazing feeling to be used by the L-rd? You know what's even more amazing is thinking, Wow. The Creator of the universe has chosen me to do a job! Think how honored we would be if a king (my head is way over in Europe =P), or okay- the president has presented you with a task at hand and asked you to fulfill it. Can you imagine how well we would do our best to do it? And yet, when G-d asks us to do something so simple as, let's say baking cookies for a neigbor, or being kind to a brother or sister when I feel like having an attitude towards them,  I am hesitant to do so? Ooooh... just struck a chord. *Conviction ensues*

Faithfulness in the small things proves faithfulness in the big things, my Marmee always says.

Our communities are the same way. You and I need to look out into the fields that are white unto harvest and we need to be willing to pray and ask the L-rd to send harvesters into the fields before it is too late. The real thrust of this verse is simple; L-rd Jesus, I pray that You will send forth laborers into the field; praying, as Isaiah did,"Here am I- send me."