Be Still

"Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).
 Scripture never shys away from reminding us that seeking God often requires stillness, silence, waiting, listening. But -our culture is fast forgetting what it means to be still, waiting for Him. Actually, to simply be still. It's easy to forget this truth truth. Mark Hamby says (on this topic, "As I tried to convince my wife of a certain position I held, I found myself verbose and unwilling to accept her view since it restricted my forward motion on an important decision." Isn't it what we do so much to G-d, the One who has had a plan from the start?

Reading the following words of Francois Fenelon:
 "I think . . . that you should try hard now to practice silence . . .  Silence promotes the presence of God, prevents many harsh and proud words, and suppresses many dangers in the way of ridiculing or harshly judging our neighbor. Silence humbles the mind, and gradually weans it from the world; it will supply all that you need . . . ."

This week's Song-of-the Week is You Make Everything Beautiful by Rebecca St. James. It was just released from her new album, I Will Praise You. This song has literally by the song of my soul lately... asking, then leaving it all in G-d's hands. As you listen, remember Ecclesiastes 3:11-12: He has made everything beautiful in His time...

 At TBC the other night, we all had the most amazing, heart-felt experience while praying. After watching the Francis Chan video that went along with his book we're discussing, Forgotten God, we took his challenge: to pray, to surrender- asking G-d, what would you rather us be doing right now instead of discussing this chapter? Praying in a circle as the Spirit leads... is amazing. You feel so bonded, and I'm sure we were truly visited by Him that night. You can feel His presence. Just like Samuel, can you hear Him saying right now, "Wait for Me?" He is. Taking time to stop, rest, and surrender in Him is hard, but when once done, is one of the most peace-bringing decisions ever made.

"Surrender to Me." "Abide in Me." "Rest in Me." "Trust Me. I am here." 
 Yes, L-rd, give me Your grace; I will rest in You...