"My Fall Will Be for You"

Okay, so it's February... of course I have to do a post on "love." Heather over at A Hopeful Romantic recently wrote a post on "falling" in love. I suggest you go read it... though I have somewhat tweaked her post:

"Have you ever fallen down, with no one to catch you? Perhaps you had fallen so hard that it hurt, or perhaps it was just a little fall, and you were able to easily pick yourself back up again. Have you ever fallen downward, and had someone catch you? Neither party of the incident surprised, but pleasantly happy, and the event appropriately expected? “What on earth are you talking about now?” you may wonder, “Who plans on falling down?” Well, I am only talking about falling in the analogy sense that is so popularly used.

You see, whenever a person starts to gain seemingly significant feelings for a person, they often tend to exclaim that they are “falling in love.” The sensation of falling is often used to describe the current feelings a person may have when they get tripped up and overwhelmed by all of the so called ‘qualities’ of another person—which for us females may be as simple as ocean blue eyes, curly brown hair, a warm smile, a goofy or mysterious personality, his style—the list goes on and on! We fall for celebrities and their talent; we fall for boys we have yet to even talk to( or vice verso); we fall for boys that show us only what they want us to see, without us investigating their true character; and lastly, we even fall for good guys, yet guys who are not our ‘one.’  Basically, we girls fall for a ton of different guys who all have one thing in common; they aren’t going to be the ones’ who are suppose to—or will even bother to—catch us when we fall. We may have "fallen in love" ... the question is, have they?  Some may think so. Some may not. When I was reading in Joshua Harris' book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, he calls to attention the point that when we fall, we fall on accident, never on purpose. So why "fall in love" with someone to begin with, unless we plan on being caught?

With how many little pebbles can trip us girls up, we girls may never be safe to wear high heels again=) With so many obstacles that can deceive us into believing ourselves to be in love, we ought to wear better footwear—that is, we better prepare and guard our hearts and minds more carefully, as not to be so easily tripped up by those pebbles. We should be able to triumphantly step right over such little pebbles, and strive onward until G-d says, "Fall."

“When is the right time, who is ‘the one’?” Only G-d holds the answer to that question, and you can rest assure that He will reveal it to you…in His perfect timing—not in yours. If you strive to live whole-heartily for Him, and as a result live out the lifestyle  that we are called to live, then you can rest assure that G-d’s chosen Prince for you will be there to catch you when you fall... in G-d's timing.

I don’t want to be the type of girl who has so little control over her own feelings, that every new teen sensation to hit Hollywood, or any random person I pass in the mall has me thinking I’m falling in love, yet I’m really just falling into yet another pit. A pit that I will need to be pulled out of by God’s gentle hand bringing me to my senses, and helping me look upward for His standard of who I should be falling for—my future husband.

Stop and think about it for a moment; how many celebrities really show you much of any affection or care in return to your screaming devotions of affection, or home made posters declaring that they ‘rock’? You may think that you're seriously in love with them, but honestly, you're seriously lucky if they even stick around to sign the CD that you just had to buy. How many young men that we fall for are honestly going to catch us, and never let us go, until death do we part? Besides Jesus—the greatest Love of all time—I can only think of one other person, and that is the man G-d has set aside, waiting for me and me alone.

G-d is not only my Father and God, but also the Lover of my soul, my Bridegroom. It's profound to think about.

You see, when God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, He proposed to us. And when you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, you agreed to married Him.

You may not be aware of it, but God wants us to be married to Him before He shares our heart with another man here on Earth. He wants us to fall madly in love with Him--like He is with us--and to learn to share one heart. That's one lesson I've been learning- to let everything go, and concentrate wholly on being held in G-d's arms.
G-d wants your dreams to be His dreams, your love to be His love, and your life to be His life. He wants you to see the sin in the world and despise it, to hear the sounds of the broken hearted and heal it, and to see the starving, suffering, and poverty stricken people, and to cry with Him.

He wants to spiritually become one with you.
SO-- before you get light headed or tripped up by his sweet smile or gorgeous eyes, ask yourself (and G-d!) one very important question; “Is he going to catch me—and never let me go— when I fall?”

Look before you fall girls…and make sure it’s the pair of arms God has set aside for you, waiting to catch you.

~His Handmaiden