Choice Points

A choice point is something like a road:


... that sooner or later breaks off into two different paths:


(If you can tell what that is... it's two different roads). I recently had someone say to me, "You should let your friends decide who you are."   I tend to get into debates on subjects like that. My response? "No, you shouldn't. If your friends say something wrong is "cool" then surely you would want to choose what is right. I want my own mind ruled by Christ,  not my their mind!"  So maybe I was a little harsh. The point is, we are all making choices that change the course of our lives. Don't let someone else decide for you.
The choices we are making now can either benefit us or give us later consequences in life.

Some of the greatest choices I have ever made are to keep a regular journal- I've had it for years, and it is immensely helpful, seeing decisions I made four years ago, and even being able to apply them today.  And, even though it's a long way off, my family and I have made the decision (contrary to popular belief) for me to court, not date. I can definetely see the benefits of this decision in friends now, and the consequences of the latter in others. Another choice is to be a leader, not a follower. Instead of going with the flow of people more popular, I know to stick with my "heart-to-hearts" - my group of friends that I know will always be there for me, and who will pull me up in life if I'm going down. Good relationships with my parents is another example.

What are some choice points that you've been through?