Hopes, Dreams, Wishes...

Doesn't my title sound mystifyingly poetic? Too bad that wasn't me.

Day 29, my hopes, dreams, and wishes for the next 365 days. I will go back and re-post exactly one year from now just to see how they all went (hence the new label.) 

It is my goal, hope, and dream to win the Shakespeare competition. It is my goal to become a sucess at piano-teaching. It is my goal to gradutate highschool next June. It is my dream to go into Shakespeare. It is a dream in which I become a mother. It is in my dreams that I will love chemistry. It is a goal to "kidnap" Tiffani at least twice before Christmas. (Kidnap as we so lovingly christened it =D) It is a goal of mine to cook dinner three times a week. It is a goal to major in fine arts. It is my hope to be able to drop by the Jackson's farm in Missouri. It is my goal, hope, and not just a dream to become a reflection of G-d. My goal is to be a keeper at home.

That's my present list... to be sure, I'll add to it! And if there are any of you whom I have told my other dreams, goals, and hopes to, email me (starlight4jesus@gmail.com) and let me know, and I will decide if it is something I want to post here.
