Grace Days

Today is a grace day.

I first felt it in the after-breakfast mess.

It was there when I gave the baby his bottle & when halfway through he snuffled closer for a cuddle and fell asleep right then and there.

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Sierra Mackenzie
Quarantine Thoughts

I was on a walk last week thinking about it - feeling incredibly blessed to be outside, observing the waves. So naturally, being the organized (ha), list-taking (another ha) person that I am (read: grasping for something to hold on to), I compiled a list of things I know now - maybe more so than before. This is what I know now.

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Sierra Mackenzie
Green Pastures

I used to think green pastures naturally equated peace. And maybe it does. But “makes me lie down” when all I want to do is the next great Kingdom-driven thing, write the next melody, even bake the next loaf of something that’s harder for me. I’m adventurous, full of spirit, & while I often crave quiet moments of peaceful creativity throughout the day, I often accidentally fill those moments myself with all the “new” things mentioned above.

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This is What November Looks Like.

Purple and pink flowers on the trees and blowing blissfully onto the ground instead of falling golden and orange leaves. Salads instead of soup. Sandals instead of sneakers. Sunshine and storm clouds filled with a warm summer rain. Soft melodies instead of sweet jazz. Bright pastels instead of basic black and white. 

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Sierra Mackenzie

When I first walked into my apartment, all I could stare at was the tree, outside this incredible balcony window.

I didn’t notice that the leaves were crunchy, or nonexistent in general. 

I didn’t realize the dust collecting on our space was because of the lack of water. 

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"Write What You See."

It’s been eight weeks since I moved to Australia from my little touristy town in Southern California, and the whirlwind of mind and heart I’ve experienced has been beyond me. I feel as if I hit the ground running, have taken millions of notes, mental pictures, and filmed enough times to be a professional now, but I haven’t taken time to write.

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