"Write What You See."

“Write what you see, Sierra.” I heard God speak to me so clearly.

I’ve been so busy lately. It’s been eight weeks since I moved to Australia from my little touristy town in Southern California, and the whirlwind of mind and heart I’ve experienced has been beyond me. I feel as if I hit the ground running, have taken millions of notes, mental pictures, and filmed enough times to be a professional now, but I haven’t taken time to write. To journal. To pen the thoughts so precious to me, constantly running into my eyes and ears, in all of my senses, and flowing from a place of honesty and vulnerability.

I have met the most beautiful people I could ever hope to meet. I am experiencing culture from dozens of other countries I have only ever dreamed of…Switzerland, Italy, Korea, New Zealand; and I am quickly learning to be intentional with my time here, before my weekends so simply and so quietly slip away. I have understood healthy family and church culture at a whole level of love and grace; I have read books in parks, taken long walks to find the unique coffee shop atmospheres that cheer my heart; I have gone on numerous excursions to the most incredible beaches I have ever before seen in my life and dipped my toes into another unfamiliar sea.

But I have not written.

And even as God spoke to the John who wrote Revelation, write what you see in a book, I heard Him clearly say that to me.

Coming out here, I had intended to actually write a travelers’ guide and devotion to my year in Australia. I realized very quickly after taking off, seeing my native land glide seamlessly into ocean from my seat in the sky, that I would not be coming back to California very soon; in fact, a year would be too soon. So I’ve taken my time settling in, not writing this book, living in a dream as it seems sometimes. I saw the Opera House for the very first time not even a week into life here, and I cried at the promise fulfilled.

Do not let the words stop here, in journals, in notebooks. Let it echo out in books, song, spoken words over people. Don’t let it end here.”

He said it with a presence so peaceful and powerful, and yet so gentle and reassuring in His words. Obedience in wonder is the only right choice when you hear that voice.

So friends. Here I am again, brand new; looking to the future, green eyes bright with hope and reassurance and a spirit of rest amidst the work. I’ll be writing and recording a lot more. Maybe some poetry will find its way on here as well along with the adventures to take and learn from.


sierra m.