- You Have a New Name -


"what you're called will not matter..." 

I heard my mum and Grace-Hope reading aloud their own devotions + Bible time as I silently read mine, and this simple phrase caught my ear as something so specific that went along with a certain past struggle of mine.

My love languages (in no specific order) are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. The struggle I mentioned above? Guess what? It doesn't come from anyone but myself. In one brief glance, my day can be filled with negative words (sometimes by an inanimate being {hello, mirror- yeah, I'm looking at you} no less) designed to tear me apart.

Jesus is my definition and my heart's song. 

Most realize the truth of that self-description on those days where that struggle isn't mine to hold on to. Recently I was listening to Chris Tomlin's song,Good Good Father, and a specific line in the chorus quickly changed my perception of the day and brought me to tears. "You're a good, good Father- it's who You are." And then..."

i am loved by You. It's who i am." 

I believe there is a firm stronghold and foundation to this new definition of words of affirmation- a Father's love. My Father's love. When people- friends, family, others- call me beautiful or talented or smart and try to give me a gold star...yes, that feeds that love language. But what I've been reminded of again and again and again that it offers merely the tiniest glimpse into how Jesus sees us. And when others give me a look on a day where I obviously don't meet their latest standard and can't quite claim that I have it all together... I'm not defined by that either. Because who am i? Who are you? 

You're loved by the King of kings. 

What you're called will not matter. Because Jesus calls us His beloved. That thought is completely overwhelming to my heart. I think- no, I know- that this is where that newly found element of that coveted "confidence" comes in.

I'll never forget when my beautiful modeling coach from AMTC and I first spoke a few years ago. It was my first weekend launch ever, and I had

to speak to her. Our foreheads touched and she hugged me close as tears began to full from my tightly closed eyes. I was at a sensitive breaking point in my heart, and Kim saw that, looked into my eyes, and said, "i feel the Holy Spirit saying for you to just let it go. You are a queen. God looks at you and sees you as a queen." 

At that moment, the heaviest chains I'd ever broken out of and which somehow entwined themselves back in my roots again and again every few months fell useless. He sees us as His kings. His queens. His children. There is boundless love that sweeps through us and pulls us off our feet to place us on new heights.

here- this is my definition. 

this is yours. 

And while there are days I definitely don't remember that, He'll ever and always remind of that in that day. You have a new name. You have a new song to sing. You have a Father who sings over you. While that may not seem like enough...He is always more than enough. It's truly incredible how much more than enough He is.

So go dance in your new identity.

Run freely as you seek Him and live the life He's called you to live- not one with a warped vision where you're caught between who you are and who you're meant to be. This is you we're talking about. You're His king. You're His queen. You're loved + redeemed. This is who you are.