May 5th.

In our lives, we see people; we meet people; we talk to people... but we can only ever perceive people
We perceive that they, in essence, walk as we walk, do or perform the same things or tasks we do, and one way or another, we are all heading towards what we see as the same end.
However, we tend to become so wrapped up in our own emotions, we forget that others are going through their own emotions.
We perceive; we make decisions; but do we stop and pray? For me.. encouragement is a huge deal. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. I often put on an "everything-is-wonderful" demeanor, except for around the most treasured of friends, who have encouraged me like not many would.
I'm often called an encourager by many; but I don't think people realize just how much that random text or message that says "praying for you and your heart this morning," "read this and thought of you," means to me... the little things are truly what makes a day brighter. These are those who are near and dear to me, because we've both been vulnerable, both have reciprocated, and I know that they truly and deeply care.
I've been challenging myself to look beyond more than ever before... perceive and think, yes; but also... to feel.
Really and truly feel... that they are just as broken as we are. And that they can receive the same joy and healing, grace and peace, that you and I are blessed to receive from the One who created these feelings, and the days behind them.
The L-rd calls us to greater things... to follow wherever He leads. He has called us as His children; whom- what- shall we fear? We are His. 

No... from what I see of my life right now... in this season, I can smile at troubled waters and say, "My Savior has walked on you, and calls me to do the same."

And He will lead us... like a pillar of cloud in the day, a pillar of fire in the night. With clarity.
How beautiful.
He has already written this story.


So when it comes down to it... what I see is this: 
In a world that says, "God, show me and I will go," we have a God that says, "just go, and I will show you..." He's made that promise.
