Eucharisteo | v. 5

eucharisteo: yoo-khar-is-teh'-o               to be grateful, feel thankful, give thanks. 

"The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning “grace.” Jesus took the bread and saw it as graceand gave thanks. He took the bread and knew it to be gift and gave thanks. Eucharisteo, thanksgiving, envelopes the Greek word for grace, charis. But it also holds its derivative, the Greek word chara, meaning “joy.” Charis. Grace. Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving. Chara. Joy." -Ann Voskamp

Being thankful for the little gifts that He gives us in every day life. These posts of "things to be happy about"  will be sporadic until i've reached 1,000. Some will be beautifully worded. Some will be broken. Some will be a short sentence. All will be gifts.


{More of a simple list today.} 

number forty-one: I normally like my coffee black... but when I do have it as a latte, the foam on top tickles my lips just smallest bit. I smile. 

number forty-two: Sinking my dampened face into a fresh, fluffy, sweet-smelling towel after spritzing it with lavender oil. 

number forty-three: Learning. I've been learning so much in my entrepreneurship course...and actually, what I think I've learned most is my entrepreneurship tactics. I like to work "behind-the-scenes," where I can come up with the ideas, but give them to someone else to lead on with them and make them grow (but that's another post...). 

number forty-four: "He's not finished with me yet."  The grace. The fact that He has thrown my sins into the deepest oceans, and put up a sign saying, "No fishing allowed." That He has taken me this far, and sees where I've been, and loves me. He loves me. He loved me firstWhy? How? And...oh, I want to share this Love with others.

number forty-five: When we went ice-skating the other night with good friends, I saw my breath. Why is there such wonder with seeing your breath during such cold, I wonder... maybe because it is the beauty in the unseen becoming revealed right in front of you. 

number forty-six: The scent of a meal cooking. Onions and mushrooms as they sautee in lemon or pepper olive oil. Fresh lemon on a kale salad. Fresh herbs as the perfume for my fingertips. I just... love cooking. :) 

number forty-seven: Thick, cozy socks. And the heater that sits right by my feet, keeping them toasty warm.

number forty-eight: My CollegePlus coach, Heidi. I'm so thankful that G-d blessed me with her for a mentor... and someone else to help make sense of everything going on- who has "been there." She's such an encourager.

number forty-nine: When everyone leaves... I go to the backyard and swing in our tree-swing, and just sing. Flying through the air as whispering praises... I have never experienced a feeling like it.

number fifty: I'm learning that having no words.. is sometimes a gift. G-d and His love and mercy and faithfulness... is so much more than simple little me can fathom. I love words...but when there are times like recently, when I just want to praise Him, the words don't come. He is so much more than we could imagine. He is just wonderful. He is our G-d. He is our G-d.
