-Early Morning-

I hear Him whisper. 
"Come away with Me, my child." 

There is never a day, never an hour... never even a moment when we are outside of His thoughts.

"Break loose the fetters."
"Cast off the fears."

I think of the verse in Acts 1- "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses for Me... to the end of the earth."
His people... shall be a free people, obedient to His voice. Let no aspect of the past be a hindrance. He brings us out of dead works into Living Reality for eternity. He brings us into revelations of Himself each hour.

"Do not be afraid... to follow Me with abandon."

He has plans for us... that are higher than we could ever comprehend.. better than we could ever dream... more perfect than we could ever know or even grasp.
He has chosen each of us... first.
The new chapter is suddenly a glimpse on the horizon. Blank pages are open.
A song I recently penned in a late-night prayer... has a line in it saying, "You won't tie my soul to a dead-end dream."
And He won't. ..He won't.

I ran across a verse while going through my Devotions yesterday... switching from one passage to another... and it was Mark 1... "...Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of G-d, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of G-d is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel. ..And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." Immediately they left their nets and followed Him." 
Immediately. They immediately left their nets. Jesus called them, and they dropped everything to follow Him. As I contemplate on this beauty this morning, I ponder... I pray... to let me drop my own net (or bundle, or mess) each  and every day... and then get to the point where there is no net to drop because we are so in Love.. that Jesus already has everything in our nets... our hearts- so fully and completely... because He is our heart's song.

Let Your desires... become my desires. 
This has been interesting... because it almost hurt the first time I prayed for a recent thought to be taken away if it is His will... but then.. I felt the wonder of surrender. He's been giving me this. 
Oh, I am in constant thankfulness over His mercy... His grace... His love.
For each hour...known and unknown... for such a time as this, He has prepared our hearts.
Abba... I relinquish all things into Your hand... knowing that You work freely as I release myself to You by complete commitment and surrender. 
How can I say... that I am insignificant and unworthy... when He calls me precious, His daughter, the apple of His eye?
...When I belong to Him?

Sierra McKenzieFaithComment