dearest talitha:

"And entering in, He said to them, "Why make a commotion and weep? The child has not died, but is asleep." ...And taking the child by the hand, He said to her,"Talitha Kum (little girl, I say to you, arise!)." -Mark 5:39-42

Talitha means simply, little lamb, or little girl. Dearest, dearest little lamb. 

little girl... you are the Almighty Jesus' precious little lamb. you are His precious little girl. He has awoken you from the state of sleep that no other could shake you from.
you are not dead yet. 

My identity should not rest in who i am or where i am at this point... my identity should not be based on the mistakes i've made, and will make, over and over again. My identity is based on who i am in my Abba. 

"little girl... arise." 
i awake in His arms. i was only in an overwhelmingly deep sleep. 
i'm not dead, yet. 
by His grace... i stay alive in Him. 

Sierra McKenzieComment