in my house of dreams.

I'll have yellow curtains someplace or two. Not bright yellow, pale yellow; because I do believe that color just makes you smile. And I want there to be lots of smiles, laughter, and joy. Yellow curtains definitely in my kitchen window, which will have lots of natural light streaming through those windows. A breeze will drift in with the scent of my herbs and lavender and kitchen flowers in my windowbox. I will love that room. The scent of homemade bread will never leave; and we'll have a garden, with fruits and vegetables and lots of flowers. Roses and honeysuckles and tulips and hydrangeas. And Queen-Anne's-Lace, for birthdays. There will be a constant streaming of tea and other hot things.

There will be instantaneous pillow fights on any given occasion, but they'll soon be put to rest on my children's beds in their room. I want them to sleep in an attic; not so I won't hear any noise, but so they'll have a "little home" to call their own. There will be lots of little nooks and crannies, hidden from view; and each little person will have a small chest or trunk to store their treasures. They'll have beautiful pictures and maps and their own artwork on their walls. As my mom did with me, I want a whole wall covered with chalk, and another open for fingerpainting, and it will be beautiful. I can see it already.

There'll be a constant mess of homemade blankets, handmade and careworn. Maybe a dog or two or three. Lots of photographs covering the walls that I will take, and laugh at, and cry at. There will be lots of outdoor parties, and a porch with a rocking swing on it, so my future husband and I can sit and pray.

There will be lots of stories and books and music. Music, all the time. Many instruments, and any more will be welcome. Guitars, pianos, violins, harmonicas, and everyone's voices. I want there to be lots of children's voices singing. We'll have big family dinners around a round wooden table, everyone praying before we eat.

There will be early mornings where we'll get up and talk to Jesus. We'll have many different faces and loves and adoptions, just as I was adopted into my Abba's family. There will be a constant mess of forts, where we'll all snuggle and read and eat trail-mix and roasted popcorn and home-made peanut-butter cookies.

The school-room will be painted a mint green, and will have more pictures on the walls, art, photographs.. the pets will live in here at night. There will be lots of cozy pillows, and a full bookshelf of books to read and write in. And perhaps another chalk wall, where we'll do those never-ending math equations that drive people nutty.

And there will be Jesus in every place. Because while these are ultimately just dreams, Him being seen where-ever I end up is a reality.. which is just beautiful.