hello again. {and gift of a sunset}

Hello my Friends... it's been a long, unannounced time away. Refreshing, interesting... and a learning time. I just truly want to know how you are. Because as I've been away, I've been praying for all of you.. my heart was heavy with thought.

I was thinking, for a while, to shut this little corner of the internet world down. I'd found over the past few weeks that my heart was not in what I was writing. As in, I truly believe in what I'm typing down, but they were not what I could truly mean to say, either due to time restrictions or simply thought process.. and it's been hard for me to be alive and "real" on here. Life has happend, and dragged me along with it. Among other things... bronchitis kept me in bed for the better part of the month of January. I took fewer pictures than I think I ever have in two or three weeks, because some moments are just made to be left at moments, without the physical frame.  I've outleashed in song-writing and piano-playing. And I wrote. My short story writing, which, I've hadn't had as much time for, blossomed in what seemed like a month. Honestly right now, you'd find more real in my many notebooks than anywhere else. G-d has brought so much into my heart. New passions are replacing the old. And I think back on my prayer for Him to draw me close to Him no matter what, I realize just what I prayed and how He has responded.. and I accept, this wonderful, broken, beauty. And He tenderly cares. 

Last thought for now: I saw something a couple of months ago, and it has stuck with me since, and it is, I am not a human being. I am a human, becoming.  Thank you for sticking with me, Friends!
just me.
