It's Autumn! Giveaway.

Howdy, you wonderful people!  Autumn (though it may not seem like it at the time where i'm at;) is finally "officially" here! This is one of my favorite seasons... i love that we're going into a season of cool weather, hats and scarfs, and warm camp fires and outside romps. Fun stuff, indeed. ^_^  To celebrate, I'm hosting an It's Autumn! Giveaway! Huzzah!  There will be giveaways each week for the next four weeks, so stay tuned:D   

This week's first fabulous sponsor is Neesie's Designs!  

I cannot tell you how many times I've visited this shop just to *swoon* over Neesie's amazingly gorgeous designs. My sister recently hosted a giveaway, and I won one of Neesie's items... and oh, my word. I wear it everywhere. I wonder why I'd never found out about her for our many Shakespeare performances, etc., mystery parties, photoshoots... and she is the sweetest personality, and so easy to work with. She has an assortment of accessories that would be perfect for the fall, spring, summer, and winter seasons all together, and would make lovely Christmas/Birthday gifts *hint and giggle*.  

For our giveaway this week, Neesie is offering a $25 gift card/code to be used for her Etsy Shop. Ready to enter, or what?! 

To Enter: 

Follow as the Earthen Vessel publicly via GoogleFriendConnect -----------> 
Go to Neesie's Designs, and Comment with your Top Two Favorite Items(:

'Like' Neesie's Designs on Facebook (+1)
Heart Neesie's Designs on Etsy (+1) 
'Like' as the Earthen Vessel {His Handmaiden} on Facebook (+1)
Share on your blog, facebook, twitter, etc., (leave me the link) or email ten friends (bcc-ing me at (+1 per share)
Follow me on Instagram (@misssierramackenzie)  (+3)
Purchase something from Neesie's Designs (+12) 

Please leave your entries in separate comments, or they will not be counted(: 
Giveaway ends October 24th. 

I still feel kinda bad I didn't host my 100 followers giveaway, so this is to make up for that(: And when we get to 150, there will be a giveaway. And it will be wonderful. Okay? (: 

I think that about wraps it up... so whatcha waiting for? Go enter! 
