of blue-skied october || favorites v.1

-New Link-Up Idea-
Each month, i will be setting up my favorites/things on my list for the month, meaning music, literature, quotes, Bible verse, and photography. There will be a linky list at the bottom of each post, so you can do it, too- all or any:) So- let's get rolling(:


>> of literature <<
daughters of destiny -- noelle wheeler
the prince -- machiavelli

>> of music << 
beautiful -- phil wickham
precious again  -- sara groves
something in the water -- brooke fraser

>> quotable << 
β€œIn three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” 
-- Robert Frost

>> verse of the month <<
"The L-rd your G-d is in your midst, a mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing."
-- Zephaniah 3:17

>> photos {and memories} descriptive of last month <<

september... you were beautiful. the last beach trip of summer. the most beautiful sunset of this year so far. the colors of the sky. the beginning of cooler weather. you're in my book for another year. october. i don't really know what you'll be bringing this year. hopefully cinnamon spiced apple cider. and long romps in the grass. and more cooler weather. and black and white photos. the month of blue skies and beauty. i can't wait. 


Won't you join in? This is a good way to discover other blogs and see what others are up to this month(: