Liebester Award~

The lovely Mandie over at Raindrops on Roses very kindly awarded me the Liebester Award=) I've seen these around for a while, and am delighted to be tagged(: Thank you, Mandie! 

The rules are:

1) Each person must list 11 things about themselves.

2) Answer the 11 questions that the tagger has set for you PLUS you MUST create 11 questions of your own for the 11 people you will nominate with this award.

3) Choose up to 11 bloggers linking them to your post.
4) Go to their page and inform them of the nomination.
5) Absolutely NO tag backs.
6) Remember to ONLY tag bloggers with less than 200 followers  
(I know it says only tag those with "less than 200", but I'm breaking this rule for one person & she's only over by 70 followers =)

So, 11 things about myself.....hmmmm:

1. I am the feminine, dreamy type(: 
2. Acting is my favorite- y'all know Shakespeare in particular;)
3. I smile a lot, but I laugh mostly when I'm with loved ones. 
4. Photography has always been a pastime. 
5. has writing. I remember writing short stories for Alexandrea for her fifth birthday. Ah... a world without words would be a dull one indeed. 
6. My favorite place to blog is at my desk or in my cozy chair(:
7. I Love Lucy tickles my funny bone, and is probably my favorite thing to "watch" on television. 
8. My favorite Bible verses are Jeremiah 29:11-13, and Isaiah 43:1-7
9. My day isn't complete without a mug of hot tea(:
10. I love to read- alas, since my school-work has dominated so much of my time this year, I haven't had as much time to enjoy that activity as much as I would like. 
11. I enjoy long mountain hikes, but my favorite is feeling sand under my toes, and the the sound of crashing ocean waves in my ears... 

Mandie's Questions and My Answers 

1. What is your favorite type of  food (Mexican, Italian, Indian, American, etc.)?
*ahem* I thrive on variety. I really love the musky flavors of curry and spices, though.

2. Are you  more right or left brained?
Definitely right brained all the way.

3. Are you logical or impulsive?
I think both. I tend to think things through more when I'm not under pressure.

4. What is your favorite season of the year?
Mmm, autumn and spring.

5. Do you have many or just a few friends?
I have many friends, but there is just a close circle that I trust. Jesus is my best friend.

6. Do you prefer solitude or to be in a group?
Depends on my mood. I'm definitely a people-person, but I enjoy the quiet and peace of just sitting and looking out my window, too.

7. Play a video/computer game or watch a movie?
Pride and Prejudice, anyone? ;)

8. Singing or dancing?
I love singing, but I enjoy ballroom dance and ballet as well.

9. What is your dream job?
A singer/actress/missionary. And L-rd-willing, I will be a wife and mother one day- in my opinion, that is the most wonderful job I could ever receive.

10. Do you live in the here and now or are you a dreamer?
I live in the present, but I look at how what I do now will impact my future.

11. Are you happy with the way God made you OR are you struggling in that area?
I am content(:  G-d creates no flaws, and it took me a while to believe it, but He has made each of us fearfully and wonderfully.


And, here are my questions for the 11 awarded bloggers below: 
1) Right-brained or left-brained? 
2) Favorite books? 
3) Ride a horse or ride a whale? 
4) What is your favorite Bible verse and why? 
5) What is your favorite pastime now that you could use as a source of income (or a "job") in future? 
6) Do you have a favorite time of year? If so, what is it? 
7) Performing arts or ... not? 
8) Sunny days or cloudy days? 
9) What is your worst fear? 
10) Quote?
11) (If you would like, and if it is possible) What is a picture that makes you smile? If you cannot post it, please describe a memory that makes you smile:)

The 11 awarded bloggers:

1. Alexandrea over at Shine Your Glory Down

2. Tiffani over at Embraced by Him
3. Melanie over at Forever His Servant
4. Rachel at Dancing with God
5. Cassie over at Passionate Curiosity
6. Rachel over at A Dandelion Wish-Away
7. Rachel at Maid for More
8. Bridget Grace over at In the Arms of Abba
9. Tasha-Ann over at In My Savior's Comforting Arms
10.Lillian over at Of the Field
11.Jessica over at Jessica May

I would love if you could answer my questions in a post, and leave the link below=) Hope you all are having a beautiful season, full of His grace~ <3 Thank you again, Mandie! 
