Ode to Oceans.

Well. Here we are near the beginning of the month of August. That last golden month of summer... when the heat is toasty and the skies are a deep, vibrant, surreal blue. 

Where outdoor romps are the norm. Delicious golden light is plentiful which makes my photographer's heart sing. When a breeze feels as though it is lifting off every care. And an ice-cream cone comes as a much-need cold refreshment. Mmmm. *deep breath*

My family is off to the ocean in a few weeks... one of my favorite, favorite places in my little world. And I can't wait. To me, summer just can't be quite complete without at least one day spent in the salty ocean waves. Since I was little I would come and toddle around in the sand, playing games where I wouldn't let the water touch me toes (remember doing that?). Spending all my time and concentration constructing a grainy sand-castle in the warm sand. Chasing seagulls away from my lunch with imitation sounds. And as I've gotten older, there is not a feeling more "freeing" as when I'm soaring along in the ocean on my board, part of the united movement and motion. I appreciate more the silence and thought I can lose myself in just lying on the sand, letting the swift wind just blow over me. The scent of fishiness became the scent of adventure, and freshness. And long walks feel so much better when my feet are slipping in the damp, sandy muddy-ness that cools me down. The ocean is just a part of who I am. 

What is your ode about this month? 


Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you would like to use any part of this, please contact me for express permission at hishandmaiden.theblog@gmail.com. Thank you.