Under His Cover ~ A Guest Post by Tiffani-Joi
Welcome to Purity Week! I'd like to introduce our first guest-poster, Tiffani-Joi. Tiffani is one of my "second sisters." She has a lovely style of writing and expressing herself, and has a beautiful spirit. To learn more about her, scroll down to the bottom of her post (but make sure to read the actual post!). Thank you so much for writing, Tiffani!
Purity has many different facets. Mental, physical, visual, spiritual, modesty, etc… A commonly overlooked act that supports our call to purity is: being content to stay under the cover of our fathers.
While this is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, I believe that it is still very important. Our relationship with our heavenly Daddy is supposed to be similar to our relationship with our daddy on earth. And since our heavenly Daddy is our Protector, our Shelter, our Provider, the One who disciplines us when necessary; it makes sense that our daddy on earth should do the same.
So I started thinking of why our daddy/daughter relationship wouldn’t be mentioned in the Bible. Then as I was talking with my parents during our Bible time this morning my mom mentioned how in older times, women rarely left the house they were raised in until they got married. The father was the cover until that cover was passed to the girl’s husband. It probably wasn’t mentioned, because it just “wasn’t done.”
I am so grateful to my Abba Father for giving me a daddy that loves me enough to want to be my cover. That he takes that ‘job’ very seriously. I’ll be completely honest & admit that in the past I might’ve wanted more “freedom,” but I don’t anymore!
We daughters need to remember that our Father in heaven calls our daddies to be this way. I think I, as a daughter of both my daddy on earth and my heavenly Daddy, forget this sometimes. I forget that when my daddy doesn’t want me to drive to a certain place by myself, it’s not because he doesn’t trust me, it’s because he wants to protect me; the world is sinful & unpredictable.
{If you don’t have an earthly father in your life, don’t think that you don’t have a covering. Your heavenly Father is the best cover there is. You might need to listen more attentively to hear Him. Not all people can hear His voice as audibly as a daughter could hear her daddy. But He isn’t always subtle either. All the same principles apply. He has the best intentions for you & knows what is best for you.}
Daddies might have different ways to cover their daughters. I’ve never been allowed to go to a camp. I’m not saying it’s wrong if your daddy lets you, and I’m definitely not upset with my daddy for not letting me go. I know that he just wants to keep me under his cover, until he passes that cover of protection over to my husband.
I love my daddy so much, and one of the reasons why he is so special to me, is that he understands my longing, my wish, my striving to stay pure. And instead of not caring, or just letting me struggle on my own, he helps me by protecting me. By being a voice of reason, when I might stray towards being reckless. He is the closest physical image I will get of my heavenly Father until I meet Him in heaven.
Au Revoir…Until next time.
Many Blessings!
Tiffani is a daughter of the Most High King. She loves sitting at her Saviors feet, listening to His voice, & following His leading. She also enjoys theatre, novels, God-honoring music, fellowship with her brothers & sweet sisters in Christ & precious time spent with her family. She hopes that if you decide to stop by her blog, that you will be blessed by the overwhelming embrace of her Abba Father God.
To read more fromTiffani, visit her blog Embraced by Him, and be blessed.