With Love, Moi

Dear Summer of Times Past,
i can't believe you've escaped my fingers... again. i thought I'd get to keep you this year. even though you literally slaughtered my tennis game with your rays of 117 degrees, come back and soon, o.k.?
Linking up to Kelsey's Photo Challenge

Dearest Resident 'Ham,' Munchkin, Stinker, Darling, and Cutie:
i like you. a lot. and you're cute. i love your deep blue eyes that can portray innocence even when a mischevious smirk is on your lips. i love your ever "i want your eyes on me" personality. can I keep you forever and always?

Dear Piano Student Whom I Finally Had a Breakthrough With:
you are amazing. pure n' simple.  i'm sooooo happy with your progress.
Dear Chemistry,
the leftover. you're the bane to my existance. i have nothing more to say to you.

Dear Spectacular Sunset and Fluffy Clouds--
i thank G-d for you. you look like something He's imagined for pure pleasure. you make my camera sing.

Dear Garden.
i love you. you're absolutely delicious. i don't like your weeds. but i love your tomatoes. they taste like sunshine.

Dear Gnats and Bugs who Bother Me on the Golf-Course:
i wish you'd go away and never come back. i dislike you, in case you were wondering. even though i know you were sent to make me more patient with life.

Dear Salad Sitting Waiting for Me to Eat You-
you look delicious. can't wait to eat you. yummers.

Dear Aunty Eunice:)
you know i miss you. and i wish you could visit me... soon. or vise-versa... whichever you prefer. love you.

Dearest Precious Abba,
You're my First Love. and i praise You for all these precious things in life. and yes, i thank You for those bugs and chemistry. i know You will use them for Your greater glory. thank You for this life You gave me... imagine it without You, and i'd be lost. i love You.


I got this idea from several bloggers... and I absolutely love it! Normally I like to stick with the original things of life... but this was too cute. Thanks, y'all! You know who you are;)