An Important Question Addressed

Lately, I've been asked a certain question several times; and that is: "Why do you leave out the 'o' in God and Lord?" "Why do you not write God's name in full?"

This is an extremely important subject to me, and dear to my heart. I've been praying about how to address this issue properly, and I ask that you bear with me;)

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine started to put dashes when writing G-d. When I asked about it, my friend explained to me how the Hebrews put a dash in G-d's Name because they truly knew and experienced His holiness... that G-d's Name is so holy, it's impossible to comprehend, let alone write out. When I found this out, I prayed about it... and then began putting dashes/slashes when writing G-d and L-rd. It became a conviction, and now it's very hard for me to actually stop and think about writing G-d's Name in full!  These are just my personal thoughts and convictions... thanks for reading!

Thank you, Ladies=) Hopefully now you understand my reasoning behind not writing out G-d's Name. Any more questions or thoughts? Convictions of your own that you'd like to share? Go for it! I'd love to hear about them!
