lately, i've been struggling with prioritizing. i know, freshly graduated from highschool, and i should've mastered (yes, mastered) this art. waaaaayyy back. nope. so today after golf practice, i sat down at (i just "on my computer"... okay...) my computer to re-order planner pages for my planner.
ever since i've been old (old meaning responsible=)enough to log my own school-work, i've had one of these things. it might've been a cute one. it might've been an extremely sophisticated looking one (for my age..). but, it was a planner. and let me tell you, i've always had trouble keeping school accomplishments for the day logged. and since i'm a girl, it's fairly easy to want to say 'yes' to every (little) thing that comes up. the problem is, as much as i'd love to, i can't.
my time is a gift. and in fact, i have no right to say “my” time. G-d gave it to me- who am i to waste it? life is too short to be focusing on stressful to-do lists and being hurried. the question to address is: what is it that G-d wants me to do today? how will I “redeem the time” for His glory?
i'd like to end with this little quote... i am not sure as to the author, so i'm posting it as anonymous.
“there is nothing more important on your ‘to do list’ today than to be the heart of your home. it is no accident if you are a {daughter and sister}. you have been given a special gift, God has entrusted you with taking earthly care of your spouse and children. use this day He has given you to show them love…grace…compassion…and the value of family. make your home a warm, loving and welcoming refuge. their safe haven. ask God to help you do His will for your family. show them the love of Christ, through you.”
love, sierra
Article and all pictures, Copywrite, 2011, Sierra Brewer