Jane Austen Week~ Day Five

Last day of Jane Austen Week=( Let's get to it.

Top Three Jane Austen characters that "take delight in vexing" you?

Mr. Willoughby
Sense and Sensibility

Ergh. Every time he makes me angry with him all over again. He treated (or rather, "toyed") with Marianne's heart as something else/ But at the same time, he does have a classic charm. I end up feeling sorry for him whenever he returns looking at the wedding in the BBC version... you know he's really in love with Marianne, just "not enough." Ugh. That bugs me... if a young man is "daring" enough to try to enter a young lady's domain of her heart, he should intend (unless prohibited by higher authority) to make it his priority to stay there. And Willoughby didn't.

Pride and Prejudice

Number 1- Mrs. Bennet has no sense. At all. Wickham was the truest of villians in Jane Austen's world- he was a liar, hypocrite, and a thief- of time, of hearts, and of respect. He almost ruined the Bennet girls chances of ever marrying well (a big worry for the young ladies back then).  He reminds me of a wolf-in-sheep's clothing, though that may or may not be a little redundant. He's the opposite of Mr. Darcy.. not a good brother.

Miss Fanny Dashwood
Sense and Sensibility

I know, I know, I'm listing two vexing characters from the same novel. But you know, "evil" characters make the book more interesting- and suspenseful=) Miss Fanny was selfish, inconsiderate, and rude. She deliberately disconnected her brother from Elinor Dashwood, and was not the help-meet to her husband, rather the mother-hen. She would take people into her confidence, and then drop them. She was extremely incorrigible; and a thoughtless person. I sound like I'm beating her up, but every word of it was true.


Ooh, this was fun;)
Thanks to everyone who joined for Jane Austen Week, and thanks to Miss Elizabeth Bennet for hosting such a wonderful, fun event!

This may be the end of Jane Austen Week, but you're in for a special treat tomorrow- stay tuned!
