Julius Ceasar All Over Again

Hello Everyone! I'm going to shape this post like a poetic letter today. 'Cause that's what I feel like writing:
Dear *insert your name here*,
I know now that though I loved Julius Ceasar before, I am going to be all the more "in love" with it (as much as anyone can be in love with a piece of paper) than ever.

I've been stalking my dear Marmee's email. I know it seems kind of strange... I have my own email. But, 'tis a very important purpose.
To find out what the results are of the auditions that were held yesterday!!! Guess what play we're doing. Just guess. Yep! =) Julius Ceasar.  YES!!! I'm sooo thrilled! I'm so glad Mrs. Ward chose this play this year.  For those of you who live in the area, be on the lookout for announcements about when it'll be.


**Update!: The cast list came in!!! I'll post it and the players below:
Julius Caesar……………….Jonathan Egbert
Octavius Caesar……………Jarrod Ardon
Marcus Antonius……………Zekie Ward
Marcus Brutus………………Hunter Hartvigson
Cassius………………………Wesley Klemens
Casca………………………   Trevor Klemens
Decius Brutus……………….Powers Ward
Metallus Cimbur and Cinna  Sam Clinger
Caius Ligarius……………….Reagan Jacobson
Marullus ……………………..James Egbert
Artemodorous……………….Jordawn Jacobson
Soothsayer…………………  Taylor Scott
Lucilius……………………… Burgundy Jacobson
Lucius……………………….. Jacob Ardon
Pindarus………………………Isabel Ward
Calpurnia……………………..Madison Scott
Portia………………………….Sierra Brewer
Faithful servant to Marc Antony  w/Act III monologue And Young Cato………………..Alexandrea Brewer
Murderers, Plebians, and important citizens…..Julia Hartvigson, Brigham Hartvigson, Titus Ward, Sienna Pedersen

Yep, I got Portia, the part I wanted! I'm sooo excited! Yeah!

*ahem*  My apologies for the apostraphe-filled-ness of this post. When it comes to Shakespeare auditions, I seriously get giddy with delight (according to Marmee, anyways).

More later,
His Handmaiden

P.S: Could this qualify as Shakespeare Week Day Five? Because I hate to leave something I enjoy so much unfinished...