Various "Shakespeareish" Things
This will include the following-
Posts on various Shakespeare plays.
Reviews on movie adaptations of Shakespeare's plays.
Reviews on books on Shakespeare.
Possible squibs on the theater, the time period, and various related issues.
Cooperation with other blogs to make this a bigger event.
Starting date is scheduled for March 1st. If you'd like to join in and link up email me or comment and let me email you. You don't need to post all week long about Shakespeare, just review a movie or talk about your favorite play for a day. This could be a wonderful group event.
I'll be posting more details soon... I've grown up with Shakespeare, been taught and directed by the best Shakespeare actress/director (at least in mine opinion), but I'm no "expert" and I want to be better acquainted, so I hope at least two others will do this:)
~His Handmaiden