Sierra Mackenzie

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Found In You...

{A snippet from my Life-Purpose Planning work book... such a blessing from G-d}

Seeking to live a life of faith, growing in my Savior's love and kindness, and sharing them with others. It is my heart's desire to be forever His servant.

{Goal} To become (first of all) a patient big sister (because that's where it starts), whom my younger sisters can look to as a best friend. Showing His love in a genuine manner.

As He provides the opportunity and strength to accomplish His purpose for me; I will offer His strength to the weak, and giving His love to the poor. Using my G-d-given skills to meet the goals G-d has set before me.
{Goal} To minister to my family as I grow; with the knowledge that this is future training for when I become a help-meet to my future husband. To start entrepenurial efforts, not just as a piano-teacher, but educating myself in all aspects of business, and keeping myself alert to what is going on around me. I want to grow up as a Proverbs 31 woman with a servant's heart. To support a child who needs support, as well as to support a missionary are all a part of my heart's desire.
Bringing the Gospel and Christ's love to the nations; and those around me, by living out His Word in a Christ-centered, everyday way- daily.
{Goal} Through showing G-d's love in every aspect of my life, I seek to proclaim His truths. I want to write and speak (an art, according to Solomon) with a quiet word of wisdom, but one with meaning. It is my goal to go on one short-terms missions trips within the next five years, where I can proclaim the gospel of G-d with an eternal perspective, not of a daily one. For now, I can pass out tracts dilligently within my community; and pray.
Honoring, and exhibiting G-d's spoken plan for marriage; and whether that be in His plan for me, to always live with a servant's heart for others.

{Goal} I personally believe that the honoring of the marriage covenant starts from when one is young. It is my goal to honor my family. I will answer to each of my relationships in complete purity, in heart, mind, and soul.

Becoming an example to those who look to me for guidance, and taking it upon myself as a responsiblity to learn how to train them up in a loving, G-d-oriented way.
{Goal} This is where my love for precious children comes in. Again, it starts in my home. It is my current responsibility (when my mom is unavailable) to teach my youngest sister in Bible, history, math, Latin, and health. I find that the more patient and gentle I am in these topics, the more receptive she is. It is my prayer that G-d will work through both of us as I seek to learn for the future from the past and present. And since she watches me in all things, that I would live a life worthy.
Oh, to truly be found in Him...
Seeking to become Acceptance-with-JOY!

"Thou wilt show me the path of life; in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for everymore."
-Psalm 16:11