Sierra Mackenzie

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"G-d's Timing is Right" -Mom

Today we got to go to park day- a day where a bunch of homeschoolers get together and play games, chat, and just have fun. Alexandrea and I were so excited, because we haven’t been in ages. When we arrived, I saw one of my best friends, Carrie, whom I haven’t seen in ages… and guess what she told me? To Hannah she said, “She didn’t even know, and she came today!” “Know what?” And then she told me, “I’m moving back to Pennsylvania.” Utter shock. And to think that we came today of all days (it’s going to be their last time there). My mom said, “G-d’s timing is right.” And you know, it is- we could have gone next week and found they’d already gone. We could have gone last week, and not this week, and not known! Isn’t it wild? I’ll miss her so much, but it’s simply an adventure. So this post is for you, Carrie- I’ll miss you sooo much, but I know G-d’s timing is right. I’m so glad I got to know you as a sister, and as a friend! Love, Sierra

"We laughed out loud till we cried
And the tears were sweet
Midnight melted to morning
A moment faded to memory
All these days just slip away through our fingers

So... Don't let go
Hold onto every moment
Always know
Hold on to every moment that You can"