Sierra Mackenzie

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Green Pastures

“He makes me to lie down in green pastures...” 

‘Makes’ is not a mistake word, friends. Green pastures? Lay down? No thanks, I’d much rather spin around in circles, or make a picnic, or go hunting for wildflowers, or... not to mention, there could be a nest of spiders in there, and who wants to deal with that? Not this girl. 

I used to think green pastures naturally equated peace. And maybe it does. But “makes me lie down” when all I want to do is the next great Kingdom-driven thing, write the next melody, learn the new instrument, paint the new canvas, write a new sketch, even bake the next loaf of something that’s harder for me. I’m adventurous, full of spirit, & while I often crave quiet moments of peaceful creativity throughout the day, I often accidentally fill those moments myself with all the “new” things mentioned above. 

The point is, that Psalm goes on to say, “He restores my soul.” 

There is no restoration without those green pastures. 

There is no strong army without rest and oasis. 

I had a vision recently during a prayer meeting where God showed me the church in His hands, and then how He was unfurling the fingers of a hand. He is truly giving us space to breathe and take rest and strengthen us for the next leg of the journey as He calls us to let go of all we know & hold dear. 

Preparing the Bride. 

This is the time of green pastures, and friends, I urge you, don’t fight it.

Let yourself lie down and dream in the wildflowers. Let yourself take hold of peace in the restlessness, let Him stir up your faith as you lay your head in His lap. Let us truly band together as the church through this time of understanding what that looks like “in isolation.” His heart for us is on fire, and it is good. My prayer is that we press in & hold fast to hope. Further up, further in. 

Let me know how I can be praying for you during this season.

The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough He offers a resting place for me in His luxurious love.  His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where He restores and revives my life. He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in His footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to His name. Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for You already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of Your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of you until my heart overflows. So why would I fear the future? For Your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to Your glorious presence to be forever with You. 

let it be so.


sierra m.