Sierra Mackenzie

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Grace Days

Today is a grace day. 

I first felt it in the after-breakfast mess. 

It was there when I gave the baby his bottle & when halfway through he snuffled closer for a cuddle and fell asleep right then and there. 

It was in the tantrums, followed by the watercolour paintings that kept us busy for hours. 

It was in the morning cockatoo feedings & reading out on the veranda before the rains came. It was in admiring the flowering trees and watching the clouds creep by. 

It was in the dirty nappie changes, and a romp in the rain as we held hands and stomped through puddles, trudging back with a bouquet of what some may call weeds, but we called our treasures. 

It was in the icy air that crept under the floorboards; the sound of birds; the slightly musical creaking of the wooden floors. 

It was in the singing of afternoon songs, and the stroking of hair on H’s head until she, too, fell asleep. It was in the fragrance of pine. 

It was in bubble baths, and prayer stretches out on my yoga mat. 

It was on my olding piano keys as I played an out of tune ballad and let a tear slide down my cheek in the joy & wonder of it all. 

Sometimes the grace doesn’t hit us as we sit in the Word or walk first thing in the morning. Sometimes He reminds us as the day really begins with a tornado, & ends on the shores of calm & serenity...where the grace is so thick, so tangible, you could reach out and touch it.

Today was one of those days.


sierra m.