Sierra Mackenzie

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- everyday rainbows -

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Flew out of my little desert the other morning, and whispered to it through the airplane window. "There's truly nothing like you, is there?" 


Arriving at the airport at 4:55a.m. only to find out that my original flight had in fact been delayed an hour wasn't at first thought of as a problem, only an inconvenience. And then it struck me: this time around, I would be missing my connecting flight to Tampa, which would throw off multiple different schedules. 

What's a girl to do. 

Unless I'm homeward bound and could care less (after all, I know where I'm going, where my luggage should be going, and I can get around knowing what's safe and where's not), I had never had this experience before; and not being able to find a security guard for a half hour (#desertprobs), I finally sat down to pray about it. 

I'll tell you, I have no idea why I don't ever just stop and pray whenever I encounter even a small difficulty. This whole time my precious family and best friend were praying and trying to figure out solutions over the phone- was I at the wrong gate? No, the flight numbers were correct. Could I go to a different desk to find a different airline agent? Nope, already tried. 

After a panic-attack or two, the agent finally showed and was able to confirm my next flight- five hours after my original landing. My dad, in the meantime, had sent me a flight leaving only two hours later with three seats left, and that amazing lady was able to transfer me to that flight instead- aisle seat this time- along with a food voucher. 

Finally, as I sat with a much less quickly beating heart, there was so much thanksgiving in my heart. I know my flight was delayed, but I didn't mind so much knowing I had the security of a different one. 


As soon as I just started asking, Jesus showed up. Completely. 

He was there with me when I was sitting on the phone with my mum in the courtyard, completely and utterly frustrated and at my wits' end (and I survive on those wits quite a lot). 

He was my security when there was no security guard to be found. 

He was the (bubbling) joy in my heart even as I nearly snapped. 

I was journaling this on my flight, and just as I was thanking the Lord for His provision and promise, and praying to stay in the center of His will...when the passenger next to me opened the window for a brief five minutes. 

In those five minutes, there was the faintest glimmer of a rainbow, which stayed for less than four seconds, and then melted away. It may have been the lighting or the angle, but there was no rain in the sky that day. Why do I worry or fret for the big things when Jesus has everything already taken care of- the small ones included? 

So many hugs from Him today. And always. 

{p.s., i'm back for the summer. i have some exciting updates and plans coming stay tuned!}
