Sierra Mackenzie

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-Love Came Down-

"But in all His relationships, God reaches for man. 
Reaches for you who have fallen and scraped your heart raw, 
for you who feel the shame of words that have snaked off your tongue
and poisoned corners of your life, 
for you who keep trying to cover up pain with perfectionism." 
-Ann Voskamp

Something isn't necessarily beautiful because it lasts forever. 
It's beautiful because once it happened. & when it once happened, it was noticed. 

It's because of that Someone that we have something to celebrate. Let us stay thankful throughout the remainder of our 364 days of the year. My prayer is, each day, that He would restore unto each of us the joy of our salvation. Because this is where things began. 

Christmas. Let us live lives that value what Jesus values... people. I cannot even begin to express or imagine that fear of the shepherds followed by that joy that kept them going into the unknown. What would life be like if we lived with an eternal mindset? 

Every story...has a beginning. But for such a huge event in God's story, His first announcements are to shepherds. Ordinary shepherds were among the first to meet the King of kings. 
And I wonder..
those shepherds were doing things- other things- that not many would do. Keeping watch by night. It takes integrity and responsibility to do that. They represent the everyday man- those who came to be set free. Perhaps they are a reflection of you and i? 

But their initial reaction did not change God's posture towards them. 

God's message of hope, joy, and love doesn't change based on our reaction or behavior. The shepherds were terrified. But He didn't change His approach. His message of love and restoration of humanity back to Him wasn't going to be changed by earth's reactions to Him. 
The shepherds immediately turned into the biggest ambassadors. They turned their attention toward the good news, and took their eyes off of the fear. 
He calls us to walk out in faith. And He holds our heart and hands. He came as a baby to be God with us. To show us just how, knowing that He would become subject to things of horror later on...for us. So this is only the beginning. But with Jesus' first breath here on earth... I know He released us. He broke the chains. Praying peace & joy on your Christmas season this year~ 
