Sierra Mackenzie

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-It's September-

Oh hullo again, friend. It sure is wonderful to find you again.
It's been a little while.
A full summer has gone and...well, last time I checked, half my piano students are groaning about going back to school again on Monday. The other half have already started. Me..? Well, I never really quit. Nose to the grindstone as the saying goes, I suppose. I'm in the process of graduating next summer ( next summer, people!), and I haven't had a technical "break" ever in my process of home-schooling or college-schooling, so I'm kind of not taking a break unless I can help it and still graduate on time.
I had good intentions about posting, though. I have at least half a dozen posts scattered in my beloved notebooks- it's just a matter of transferring them to the computer.

*deep sigh*

Hmm. What about you? How's your summer been? Do anything specific? Anything life-changing? Inspiring? Fun? Not-so-fun?
Me too.

Just as a recap, in June I went to Mexico again, and had the time of my life as I felt the Lord's hand wrap around my soul just when I needed it. In later June, all my A.M.T.C. training came to fruition as I attended the summer SHINE event (a whole post is necessary for that, though), and then I stayed at my Aunty Eunice's house for the following couple of weeks. I came home late July after a six-week hiatus from life, and I can safely say it was the strangest returning I have ever experienced as a young woman. My mom and I laughed as I cried (yes, you read that correctly) because as young as I am, I never felt so...old.
As much as I've cherished and enjoyed and loved my home with my family...I'm feeling ready to fly. We're okay with that now.
It just took some emotional time (on my part) to figure that whole " what's going on, soul?" process.

You do realize, a friend told me, that you are an adult too? I laughed at the prospect. It was a day filled with promise and encouragement, of wonder at life and all its beautiful expanse of wide open roads.

I sat on the plane ride home from my aunt's feeling all kind of wonderful and discouraged at the same time.
I almost made myself look crazy to a complete stranger on that flight as my breath caught in my throat upon the view of that brightly colored orange and golden sunset sinking into a sea of clouds. I f I were a bird, I nearly said aloud to the passenger sitting next to me, I feel almost sure my favorite time to fly would be sunset. Just to watch those hues flicker on the ground beneath me as I felt them warm my feathers. At least I can just watch them. 

Where do memories go? There's such a glimmer of hope to me found in things that happened only last week, let alone last month or last year. Those little unthought of  of unheard of celebrations? Those are my favorite.

Lord willing, I'm moving to New York next summer.
I'm in a position where I'm filled with that wanderlust that so many talked about and I never quite understood or felt move in my soul until I found myself on the road so often these last couple of years, where childhood mixed with adulthood, and my heart held onto both with a weariness and nearly floundering place of delight and confusion. We lived in the same home for seven years, longer than we've ever stayed in the same place, and I'm ready to move on.

So I'm sitting here at my desk, filled with breathless anticipation of the year to come, and craving that freedom to be wildly at large and do things outside of my comfort zone. The golden gems of the last two or three months created a contentedness within my heart to be still for the time being, but I know the season is coming where I'll be waking up to a brand new view.

I couldn't be more thrilled, but I know when the moment arrives, I more than likely will be more than terrified. No, my mum breathed when I confessed my doubt, you won't be. You'll live in wonder of it all. You'll be able to breathe it all in and let God use you for His glory. You'll be ready. 
