Sierra Mackenzie

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-Out of Hiding-

Who are you?
Think about being who you really are.
When God washed, sanctified, and justified us (1 Corinthians 6:11), He did not erase our individuality or turn us into a nice "Christian" version of our former selves. He freed us to be who we really, genuinely are in Him - changed, by grace, by Him.
Now we are changed by God's Holy Spirit, and are indwelled by Him.
We're freed from the past.
We're freed to respond to Him.
We become more of who we are- not less.

I am washed.
I am clean and holy.
Therefore, I'm going to live by God's priorities.
Therefore, I can let go of all the agendas for myself and others.
I am sanctified. I am separated for God's purposes.
Therefore, I can focus on His redeeming love for me, and let go of what others choose to see me as.
I am justified. I am righteous and free in His love.
Therefore, help me to see the need all around me.
Therefore, let me be Your servant, and serve willingly and with a wholeheartedness.
Therefore... I need not suffer from guilt.
Therefore, I am free to truly begin to unwrap what He's given me with a delight beyond all else.

And I Loved you before you knew what was love.  
I saw it all still I choose the cross
And you were the one that I was thinking of when I rose from the grave. 
Now rid of the shackles, My victory's yours; 
I tore the veil for you to come close.
There's no reason to stand at a distance anymore; 
you're not far from home 

I'll be the lighthouse when you're lost at sea, 
And I will illuminate everything. 
No need to be frightened by intimacy- just throw off your fear and come running to Me. 

And oh, as you run, what hindered Love will only become part of the story. 
