Sierra Mackenzie

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-It's November-

Right now, I'm writing this post from my chair. It's been a day which has switched back and forth between autumn cleaning and purging, World Religions course study, and piano teaching- the former two at once, once or twice. There are a few boxes and bags tucked and strewn throughout each empty available corner, filled to the brim with summer trinkets, giveaways, and those destined for the trash bin.  Early yesterday morning I went out to shoot an early morning session with Alexandrea, where I was helping on a family shoot the previous day and we'd found a most-phenomenally constructed teepee. Long story short, I had the worst allergic reaction...I mean, eyes swollen, no voice, and thoughts of my to-do list is not shrinking by any measure.  

Basically, I'm tired.  

I was driving to the post office this morning to mail some of my clients their packages and I just literally felt like crying.  I realized this morning while I was putting together some packages that I'm getting to the point where if I keep handling my business with just one person (myself), I will end up exhausted, with no vacations, stressed, and worn out. 

absolutely love my job.  I don't have any doubts or questions about my work, I love it so much, and there is so much fulfillment that comes out of it, especially compared to my past jobs.  But there really is only so much one person can handle, and I don't know how I'm going to go about it, but I know I need to learn how to let other people help me, or try to figure out where would be the best place to invest my money in another employee.

I feel like an almost 2 year old who has been trying to eat with a spoon by myself.  I'm missing a lot of food that should be going into my mouth, but instead it's falling into my lap because I'm not handling the spoon that's been given to me properly.

I'm not saying that my business isn't thriving and that I don't have happy clients; my clients are thrilled with me, and my business is growing rapidly...but if I want it to be consistently growing, I need to learn how to spoon feed myself without spilling.  

Have any of you gone through this before?  How have you handled the amount of work that's been given to you with little help?  How did you go about hiring other employees?   What did you do?

too much food on my spoon... 