Sierra Mackenzie

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-Tell Me Your Story-

"tell me your story, O child of the King." 

...and oh, even as i may run.
what hindered Love will only become part of the story.

I wrote these words in my journal the other day.
Because my life is made up of a complete list of stories.
Chapter One, Sierra is born.
Chapter Two, Sierra is born again.
Chapter Three, Sierra steps out to adventure, and Jesus calls her back.
Chapter Four, Unveiling of a bigger plan- in which Sierra discovers her life purpose.
Chapter Five, Sierra learns the meaning of the word abandon, and all the wonder and sorrow and joy that comes with that.

But the ending hasn't come yet.

This season is an intense time of abandon, hope, and endurance; and realizing that times of challenge are great builders of character and perseverance, and preparation for what is to come. And reminders to invest in the eternal.
I see certain truths and lessons which are revealed within each chapter, and cling to each, tightly, tightly, as I continue the race. So abandon may sound like a record player these days. And I might constantly babble about how I only see these certain threads in these tapestries as God sees the eternal; and that's o.k.

tell me your story, O daughter and son of His Love. 

Is my focus on the eternal, constantly fixed on Him? And is all that I am His? 
I truly believe that each of us have been created with a ministry, and a personal heart for mission. Are we "for Christ and His Kingdom?"

"This is a day I have awoken in with a purpose; will I affect eternity with each breath?"
"Am I willing today to put as much heart into sharing Jesus with others as Jesus put into saving... me?" 

It's autumn.
Harvest time.
The time to impact others for Jesus is right now.
The harvest is  now.
Jesus has given me a calling. Whether it's through my writing now. My groups of hungry kidlets every day. Through the hopes and plans and prayers I have for pursuing YWAM next summer. I am learning the power of impact.

I need more training.
As others have pointed out countless times, I'm most-definitely unqualified. I'm small-- by the world's standards.
I am weak and foolish, admittedly so.
But so was Hadassah.
So was Paul.
And the Lord used them for mighty things.

The window of our lifetime is small: it's a vapor.
But people are His treasure.
So simple, yet so profound.

We have been blessed in order to bless others.
Whoever loses his life for My sake has found it.

Chapter Five, Sierra learns the meaning of the word  abandon, and all the wonder and sorrow and joy that comes with that.
Paragraph Six, In which she learns that Loving unconditionally hurts, and it's work; but also that it's a privilege, a gift, and it's worth it, and she can't-- won't-- bury it.

tell me your story, O beloved one. 
let it be one which glorifies Him. 
