Sierra Mackenzie

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-By Grace-

captive no more, He is my King. 
today i choose slavery. 
i place my trust and hope
in the One that i love. 
and One i know 
Loves me. 

no more shall i become 
slave to my own wandering 
mind and sin. 
i am free as i wear these chains 
of joy, hope, and Love. 
and present the key for others to have broken chains
so they can share in His. 

today i promise: 
to let go. 
i know it won't be easy. 
that my heart may become broken
and shredded 
in the process. 
but i'm Yours. 
and that's all that matters. 
You have promised
to take broken things
and make them beautiful. 
so i pray to be broken. 

i see now. 
though i would never have chosen me, 
You have. 
though others would never choose me, 
You do 
You chose me first. 

gladly do i take
this bondslave's position
as semblance to what cross 
You bore. 
my heart is Yours. my life is
and i promise 
to let You
let me
take heart 
the rest of my life
since You have overcome
and You carry me. 

i refuse
to live by the daily existence. 
i choose to 
look at the eternal. 
and watch the sunshine sparkle
as i only see it when 
i trust in You. 

Copyright, Sierra Brewer, 2015