Sierra Mackenzie

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-Sails Point to the Son-

My Savior's grace + glory is much to behold. 
In Luke 22:61...where Jesus looks at Peter, and Peter remembers how the rooster would crow after he denied his beloved Master not once, twice, but three times. We can't make excuses for our behavior, because any part of us that we would try to "excuse" would still be awake. I want no part of myself- none. My deepest cry is for Jesus to so thoroughly consume me that I may no longer exist. In me...dwells no good thing. I do not doubt that when Christ's gaze met Peter's in the courtyard that night...that it was painted with pain. But I think the more conspicuous absence of condemnation must also have torn through Peter's heart and soul. I wonder if the Lord's gaze might have sounded like, "Remember, Peter: I AM the Christ. You know that. I know that. I called you. I gave you a new name. I invited you to Myself, oh precious one, to follow...Me. Don't forget. Don't forget who I am. Don't forget what I have made you capable of doing. And, in whatever you do, don't let this destroy you." 
He says the same to us.  

We as people...simply do not live for love. 
We do not live for generosity. 
We fall into the trap of forgetting that we live for something bigger, living instead by temporary fills. 

Ah, there is a better story to live for! 
A story that shows that life is, indeed, worth sacrificing all we hold so dearly. 
A life centered in Jesus and His will. 
A life loving. 
A life giving. 
A life living for our Abba, a heavenly Daddy who loves us so much He would die on a cross, sacrificing Himself...for us. 
So this is a calling: to live and to love others with a life and a Love that is His, a grace that is His...not ours. Praise Him.
