Sierra Mackenzie

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february first. 

" I have never been this emotional," I think these days- more often than not.
On the same days~ " I can never imagine this life without Jesus." 

I've been feeling a sense of desperation combined with the sense of wonder that, for every moment that is as crazy as possible, there is a reason, and there is grace. Recently I've been juggling personal academics and playing mom with Grace-Hope and her school. The reason may only be that I need to learn even deeper patience; the reason may be practice for my own family; the reason may simply be because Jesus knows what a blessing she is to me;  the reason may simply be part of something bigger than I know of.  I strongly believe that every moment happens by grace and for the refinement process for purpose. Friends... this is the belief that forms us- an entirely  new, radical value system and perspective-

all we do now must point to Christ as He remakes us from the inside out.

As followers of His perfect will, we are to turn ourselves over  completely to His story- the story He has already written- and depend on Him in confidence.
no matter what.
My sister and another friend both had near- death experiences as they were born; and both are and will be incredible leaders for G-d's kingdom- indeed, you can see His Love at work in their hearts in their words and actions.

His is the will I pray will take over my heart. " I'm an empty page, I'm an open book; write Your story on my heart. Author of my soul, Maker of the stars, let me be Your work of art." 
Abide in Me. 
Ah, I  desire that relationship dynamic. Each day: "Show me, today. Cultivate me, today. Open my ears to Your voice... today."

Today, the L-rd woke me up with Psalm 139: "Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me in the way everlasting."  I prayed the verse over and over again, at 6 in the morning. L-rd, take over my heart.
I'm still learning surrender. I will probably still continue to learn it over the next several years. Let me walk by faith... 

... I don't know what will happen over the next year, let alone the next month, next day, next minute. I don't know if my next breath will happen; yet, I don't fear it.
But... I do not want to be living this life doing something that could well have waited.

My very actions and choices need to be reflections of Him.
He loved us first.

This... is a living, breathing, dynamic, real relationship as we walk with our G-d.
How can I say I trust His will... and not live with genuine authenticity and surrender?
