Sierra Mackenzie

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When G-d Took My Music.

I was talking with my mom on the way home from my piano lesson the other night- about many things. My "new" job  came up, and the conversation took a turn. "Mom… I can't tie my heartstrings to ____." What I've been learning specifically recently is if anything- even one thing is in my heart other than Jesus… my heart is not totally focused on G-d.
He wants my whole heart- He wants all of me.  If I feel just a part of my heart leaning toward something else that's not of Him or His will, it needs to go. If it's taking up more time than Jesus… it needs to go.

And He has held my heart in His hands..the Creator of the universe.  Surrender. 
I have (as many of you know) a very strong emotional connection to music. A few years ago, I began switching up what I listened to… and I knew it wasn't what I was supposed to be listening to… but I couldn't get it out of my head. Honestly, it wasn't evil- in fact, it was beautiful- but it had begun to creep into my heart in little ways.  I prayed to be free of it… and then my computer died (in every sense of the word). I woke up one morning, and everything was gone. Everything that I thought mattered (my book, homework papers, etc.) was gone… but then I realized that G-d had freed me from the music as I asked Him to. Ah. That was eye-opening. And He even had the grace to return to me my other important work I had lost, as well.

My desire is for Jesus to be my first Love in life and its daily experiences. And for me, the music I was listening to was just there enough to interrupt that.
I still have an emotional attachment to music… but now, it's G-d's music- it sincerely is His. I feel His presence, and I am communing with Him. He is more than enough… which is what I believe He wanted to simply show me.
As His followers, there is only One who deserves all of our attention and praise. What it all comes to is this: who are you serving? Who do you seek to serve? 
I am a forgiven sinner who seeks each day to surrender, and fails often. But our G-d sees my shortcomings and loves me anyway.  How could I not love Him back with all I am? 

When G-d took my music, He answered my prayer, and gave back that little part of me that was thinking other thoughts. Grace. Ah, I am in awe...
