Sierra Mackenzie

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I came back from France excited about life. I came back, feeling ready to chase away any opposition. I came back motivated for many things... and most of all,  to move the earth for G-d's Kingdom. 
Because while the country itself was charming... the people themselves walked without hope; and I had no way I could truly communicate to them and make them see. While it was depressing, it was also eye-opening. I have Jesus. I've chosen Jesus- He first chose and loved me. These others also have been chosen, but they need to choose Him as well.  Realistically speaking, I have no way at the moment to begin communicating to the French people the fact that they can walk, work, and breathe with a purpose. Actually though, the French are not my focus... people, as a whole, are. I am part of a generation, many of whom would prefer to sit with their noses tucked into their own ideas and ideals- I am definitely one of them. But I have a higher calling. And He took this opportunity for me to be grateful, so, so grateful to live where I do- but also to motivate me to seek others who walk with the same expression so many thousands do; and whether it be through speaking or writing, I feel ready to answer the call, wherever and whenever it is. 