Sierra Mackenzie

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-let me have a Mary Heart-


A Life of Service
Serving- with joy- is more than a verb. It's not even something we necessarily "do" for G-d... In my recent studies in Isaiah, I've been being reminded that, whether I choose to listen to His voice or not, His plan does not depend on my "willingness." The truth is, all creation serves Him; but we are the ones He has created to serve Him willingly
Serving is, more than a verb; we are to do it whole-heartedly, with our souls.  Living for Christ is living in service to Him- and it is our lifestyle, and we become in Jesus. "I serve a living Savior" comes to mind. 

"Love." It is a command; but it is where all originates. It is the core and source of our union with Jesus; we are nothing like Him without love. An unloving servant, who does not serve from the heart... is only obeying in method. Jesus asks for our whole hearts. We cannot be lukewarm for Him who sees all things, knows our hearts, and calls us His children anyway. 
In her book The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom (one of my heroines), has a little section (which I have shed many tears over), where she writes about how, after a speech, she was met by one of the German soldiers who tended one of the concentration camps she was placed in as a result of aiding Jews during World War II. "I enjoyed your speech, Fraulein,"  he tells her, and goes on to say how he is thankful that, as she said, G-d had washed his sins away, too. When the man went to leave, he offered Corrie his hand to shake, and at first... you don't think she actually will shake it. There is a pause as she contemplates the horrors this man caused for her and fellow brothers and sisters; and prays, as her hand stays by her side, for Jesus to give her His forgiveness for this man. 
"As I took his hand the most incredible thing happened. From my shoulder along my arm and through my  hand a current seemed to pass from me to him, while into my heart sprang a love for this stranger that almost  overwhelmed me.  And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world’s healing  hinges, but on His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself.”

In serving, Jesus tells us to follow and submit to His will implicitly. ...Implicitly. A wandering servant... is a self-directed servant. My one-word for last year (2012), abide, means to me to follow Him without restraint. Matthew 4:19: " Follow Me." No explanation, except that instead of fishing for everyday fish... you'll be fishing for people.

Yes, I could, can, and will be afraid, but that makes the trusting all the more beautiful. He has all things in the palm of His hand. His purpose will not be thwarted by me; and He uses imperfect people who seek to honor Him. Without His love... I am nothing but another clanging cymbal.

A bba, without You... I am an empty vessel... let Your love motivate all I do... I want to be Your living vessel. Give me the identity of Your servant in my very existence.  
