Sierra Mackenzie

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love is the greatest gift of all.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with Whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. -James 1:17

It's that season... where many turn their attention to thankfulness and giving. G-d has given us... so many gifts. The gift of peace that passeth all understanding... the gift of pure joy- even if things aren't going my way,  i have His surpassing joy. And He has given us hope. Hope that everything is temporary, except for the eternal. He has given us love

>>the gift that's just right.
"What would you like for Christmas?" my mom asks. i think for a moment. "Time." "Time?" she asks, a note of surprise in her voice. "Time," i reply. "Like a trip to the coffee shop so we can read Les Miserables. And talk."  For those of you who've read what i've labeled the "Love Language" book... my love language translates into quality time. Thinking about it the other day,  i realized G-d gave us every single love language in One gift... His Son. 

>> what is love?
Love defined is a passionate interest that longs for a personal relationship. Sounds normal enough- except for when you add our world's definitions of love and find that it could sound pretty much the same thing. So let's add a few things- for instance, a healthy relationship (what would it be like if we thought we had to impress G-d?) A genuine relationship: one that's deep, not superficial; and a lasting relationship, in which there's no threat to the future. G-d's version of love is love restored- beautiful and pure.  Love looks- love notices, love cares- so G-d looked our direction. He  came to our rescue. i've learned so many times that i  cannot pass on real love until i notice one's need, and get beyond my little insecure self, and become secure in Christ as my rock. Love Loses- it wlil always cost the one who gives it. G-d gave, and it cost Him His only Son. {Romans 5:8} There is proof when you lose something to love someone; but when you truly love- you gain. How powerful is that? Love Lets- it doesn't control- it gives absolute control- no strings attached. "Love molds unless it is given freely."  Love Lifts- " love builds up.." Love is a powerful force. We don't need to worry about forever anymore... for we, by His grace, shall not perish. Love Lasts- there will never come a day where G_d says, " Hey, I don't feel like loving you anymore." His loving-kindness is everlasting. One of my favorite Bible verses is Jeremiah 31:3, which states, "The L-rd hath appeared of old unto me, saying, "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee ." And love lavishes: it doesn't just give a little- it  gives, gives, gives. {1 John 1:3, 4:19} All of the above wraps itself into John 3:16.. the beauty of G-d's love came down on earth through His Son. 

i honestly don't remember exactly "where" i'm going with this post. Many posts are like that. They start out organized and well thought-out. And then i begin writing them, and all of a sudden.. i don't realize where i was going with them. i suppose right now, i should just say, "Merry Christmas." Whoever you are reading this, you are in my prayers... and may we recognize the love G-d has given us... the great love of an everlasting G-d who came to our rescue when we didn't deserve it in the least.. because He cares. He knows how imperfect we are, whether it shows on the outside or within the depths of our souls. That alone is a precious gift. Blessings, my friends..
