Sierra Mackenzie

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am i always praising?

all i can say is... life has been a little strange and out-of-the-ordinary lately. of course, it's been beautiful, each and every day, either in little ways, or throughout the day. just when i feel as though i'm ready to just curl up in a little corner of my bed and go to sleep, G-d sends me... "coffee."   *ahem* {my little creation, there.} coffee, as in, a new burst of energy. only recently, He sent me a wonderful, beautiful time with my "Sweets" {she invented that one}, Tiffani... whom i haven't seen in so, so long. He gave us heartfelt discussions... crazy, passionate, laugh-your-socks-off times, and blue skies. 

sometimes, i can't help wondering... what's next? i get to a position where i have no hesitancy, and am ready and willing...and then, when there is no obvious what's next, i slump back a few steps. it's december already. *deep breath* so much to be thankful for. i am refreshed, and ready to move on... to what? what is that something that i am ready to do... i wonder... not sometimes... often. am i even ready? how do i even know? and it's not even an am i ready in the here and now, it's a how will i know when i'm ready for the future? almost a random little post here. but just some thoughts. because sometimes, i can't help wondering. and then i take a look at my life so far, and i remember why i'm here. for now and forever, my number one priority is to praise G-d. when i wake up in the morning, before anything else, "praise G-d." when i'm exasperated, "praise G-d." when i'm tired, singing, "praise G-d." when i'm happy, whispering, "praise G-d." when i'm... making breakfast, "thank You, Abba!" rolling, spilling, pouring forth from me pure joy... coming only from thanking, praising, my Jesus.  always.  blessings. 

p.s. - winner of the It's Autumn! Giveaway {Neesie} is Alexandrea. winner of the It's Autumn! Giveaway {Lin-Lin}  is Emily Ruth. Congrats, Ladies! Please email me asap at with your mailing addresses, and i'll get these to you soon! xo!