Sierra Mackenzie

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Who am I? 
The question was asked in a not-so-subtle manner. And it made me think. Who am i? Who am i striving to be? Character defined... what is true in our inner person? Character grounds me, ni my actions, makes me consistent... and defined... defines me.   Who am i... really?
Am i living proof that Jesus is real, without a doubt? 
Am i living what i believe?
Am i becoming all that He made me to be? 

My witness in the world isn't  grounded in what  i say, but in who i am. 
Am I honest in my position? 
Am i releasing  all that i can,  in order to 
receive all that i can be? 

Entering in Alexandrea's Photo Challenge (:
Am i willing... 
to be molded? 
And let G-d do the molding? 
As I was baking brownies with my sisters the other day, i stuck a spoon in the bowl, and pulled it out again. A moment later, there was no trace of what had struck it. Unlike the times i throw clay on the potter wheel, and it spins round and round; i keep my finger in the same place, it traces, and remains imprinted. 

Am i humble, pliable, malleable? 
1 Peter 5:6- " humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of G-d..." 
Do i have that emptying, constant submission, teachability? 
Am I saying, on a daily basis, 
" i don't have the capacity to be ______ without You? 
You are my source?" 
How could i even do that in my own condition?  
i take ballroom dancing classes. 
one of the hardest things for me to conquer during the first week, was to trust someone  i  had only met minutes before, and let him lead me without restraint. 
Am i willing to be led?

Entering in Katherine's Photo Challenge (:

How, how can i ask to be His student if i go the easy way? 
And in light of dancing, how much more skill am i developing if i am only taught how to waltz, instead of tackling swing to perfection? 
How much character can i develop if life is easy? 
Am i saying, wholeheartedly, when faced with a challenge, 
" G-d- what do You want me to get out of this?

What-- or Who is molding me? 
Character defining... who are what do i "follow?" 
Am i remaining patient, in His 
constant plan, with humility, knowing that i am nothing, have nothing, except for what He chooses to give me
He does, after all, have the perfect plan.

" Wait on the L-rd..." 
the words drift back to me as i sigh, not so much with relief as with pure gladness. 
Friends, remember- a diamond is just a lump of coal.  
Let us look forward to the coming days, not with terror, but with excitement, and joy. And "He who began a good work in you will be  faithful to complete it."



Article and Photography Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography, 2012. If you would like to use any part of this post, please email me for express permission at Thank you.