Sierra Mackenzie

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Album Review: I Choose Jesus {Moriah Peters}


What do you do when you are at a crossroads in life? Flip a coin, talk with friends and family?
 turned to prayer when she was faced with accepting a scholarship to Cal State-Fullerton to study law or charging forward with a music career filled with risk.
“It was a real tough decision. I worked so hard and studied so hard because I wanted to go to law school and be an entertainment lawyer,” said Peters, who held a 4.1 grade-point average at Don Antonio Lugo High School in Chino, Calif. “Music was always the unsure road. Music was the risk. It involved so much faith, and I needed God to show me which path to take.”
So down on her knees Peters went, but what did she pray?
“I prayed that God would give me clarity. I prayed, ‘God you know logically I’m 17 years old, I have three songs, no touring experience, no understanding of the music business. God I trust that you would open the right doors. I really don’t want to this. I want to stay in school, so if you don’t open this door that’s OK.’ He was very clear in what I should do.”
The message she received was to forgo college and step into the Christian music world, but how did she know so clearly, especially after the American Idol judges nixed her while telling the California native to go experience life – kiss a boy — before even thinking of embarking on a music career?
After putting out a three-song demo, Peters went back to Nashville to meet with record labels. “And every single label made me an offer,” she said. “That was insane and unheard of. God answered my prayers.”
{Thank you to Denver for the above interview and information}

Okay~ I wasn't even following Moriah Peters' story until her song, "I Choose Jesus" was the free song of the week from K-Love. I was immediately "hooked." 
And when I found out about her story, I was in awe. Her album and music is beautiful. Refreshing. Summery. Her voice is one of those husky, lovely voices that is almost like a whisper, but has a different unique quality to it. And each and every one of her songs is G-d-honoring. 
1} Know Us By Our Love. 
"How can someone give and get none back//I wanna live like that//so let's bring a little Heaven down to Earth'// cause we're never gonna know what love is worth// Till we learn//
We are the sisters that reach for the hurting // we are the brothers that fight for the weak// these are the hands that lead the world to Jesus // they'll know us by our love//
This was a great song to kick off her album with. You get a feel for what her album will be based on- it's got a wonderful message; you can almost feel her smile as she's singing it, and has a light opening(: About how giving everything we've got, because it is a blessing from G-d, will bless others and point to Him. 

2} Well Done
I'm headed down this narrow road// chosen by the few// and all that I know is You told me to follow You// I'm taking a risk and leaving it all// not knowing what I'll go through// but I'm not alone//as long as I follow You//
This song reminds me of her journey as told above. This song talks about how everything she does, even if she's unsure of the outcome or where they will go, is going to be run to hear Him say, "Well done." Very encouraging and classy(;

3} Sing in the Rain
I have so many things I love about this song. This is one part:

//But like a seed in the earth // if I'm gonna grow, it's gonna hurt//but after, You'll bring sunlight
//but I have seen beauty come// when my world has come undone// You came through at the right time//

No matter what happens- always keeping a cheerful, trusting attitude in Your arms through crazy weather even through the cloudy, crazy weather. //In the dark, in the sun// I believe Your love is still good//
The beginning of this song reminds me of raindrops beginning their descent and plunking into puddles... and then by the end the song is more... oh, I don't know.. cheery? 


4} I Choose Jesus
//I choose Jesus, the One who first chose me// I stand unashamed//trusting in One Name// for I have seen the cross, and I believe//
I think this song, again, reflects on the story from above. It speaks about how no matter what beckons to her, no matter what she may or may not lose in the process, she will always, always, choose Jesus as her King. One of my favorite tracks. 

5} Haven't Even Kissed
//I have been waiting patiently// locked up my heart, gave God the key// this feeling is something from Heaven//beautifully more than I could've imagined// and I have always prayed for something like this// and we haven't even kissed//
Such a beautiful, simplistic tune. The music compliments a husky tone... and this song is so sweet and inspiring <3 I decided a long time ago to save my first kiss for my wedding, and this song just cements it more. Think Francesca Battistelli {Someday Soon}, Rebecca St. James {Wait for Me}, etc. 

6) All the Ways He Loves Us
//He holds our hearts, not just when their broken, no// we're in His arms and He will never let us go// He's our Father, we're His children//
This tune is a song that praises G-d and what He's done for us and with us. How many times He's comforted us, and will always be faithful. Love this one. 

7) Glow
Definitely one of my favorites. Actually, when I was on my uncle's boat in FL, this was the song that came to mind again and again. And it contains one of my favorite song lines ever heard by me: 
~The Maker of the stars lives in our soul~ 
Isn't that thought just... breathtaking? 
//If we loved with no hesitation// We would hold the purest light//
This song fits me well. It begins out with how many people we see in every day life, but are too timid to talk to about the L-rd {I'm comfortable, but there's something in my soul they need to know}. Moriah Peters encourages us to let our light shine forth, and since G-d is for us, who can be against us? 

8) Miracle
//Sunlight woke me up today, new life covered in grace// All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed// You called my name and my heart gave in// I came running, left everything for Your hope//for Your joy// For everything You are to me, but most of all love//
This song talks about how G-d's love is truly a miracle- how we start out as broken, and G-d gives us His love. 

9) No Shame
//Once you know He's forgiven you// and you've forgiven yourself, too// Let His mercy flow// Till you're white as snow// He knows your name//every tear you cry // He knows the pain// How you feel alone// Feel the weight of the blame// But mercy longs to reach us // in the arms of Jesus// there is no shame// 
The first time I heard this, I teared up. It's so true. I'm listening to it again as I write this, and I just feel.. so overwhelmed by grace. And it is beautiful... washed inside and out <3 

10) Bloom
//Wish you could see//you were made for more// and your wildest dreams// can't compare to what God's got in store// 
This song makes me happy. Because, i know. I've been there, where i make plans, and ultimately, they just fall through (over and over and over and over again). G-d's re-creating me into something wonderful, for His glory. Something my mom has told me since I was little is, "I can't wait to see what G-d has planned for you." But something I've learned as well is just that "plan" is always going to be just out of my reach. I am actually living His plan for me as I write this. Strange. But amazing. 

Overall rating? Definitely a 10/10.  G-d's fingerprints are all over this young woman. 


Have you listened to this CD or anything on it? What did you think? 
Any album you want me to review? 

Hope you're having a blessed summer!