Sierra Mackenzie

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~Dear Mama...

Dear Mama,

How do I start this? 
I am so, so blessed by everything you've done for me, ever. 

Let's start at the beginning. From the start... you carried me for nine months. Fed me, kept me warm, rocked me, prayed with me and for me, read to me, and taught me (among a myriad of other things).
For being willing to raise me as your daughter...
 You were probably nervous (though I could never imagine you as such), but you did everything right. <3

Thank- you: for making the decision to keep us at home, teaching us in the ways of G-d, blessing us with all that you do and the example you are to me. Even within the past couple of years, with the many different life-style changes we have been going through, you still always make precious time to spend with us and communicate to us through each of our own separate love-languages... long walks and talks. 

You know you are one of my best friends. I have always felt I can tell you anything and everything, and it is in safe hands~ and so I do. I see Jesus reflected in you every single day, as one of the most godly woman influences <3 

I remember the last thing I heard many nights was your voice praying for me... for my heart, for my future husband, for G-d to work through all for His greater glory.  Your encouragement through the years helped me to learn  all I wanted and needed to... how to dream, how to teach, how to play, how to love, how to work, how to pray, how to cook (even though I need some work on that;). Thank you for our recent trip- for your willingness to sit through the night, and encourage me through the process.
 Ever since I can remember, you have been there with open arms, a listening ear, and an encouraging word from the time when I fell off the swings to now. You are truly an example of the Proverbs 31 woman.

You are so dear to me, and I am so blessed that G-d selected you from the start as my Mama. Thank you so much for being there. I love you sooooooo much. More than I can possibly express through words.
