Sierra Mackenzie

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Musings of a Sixteen-Year-Old.

As a child... I would look forward to this year. And now that it's here.. it's strange. Not quite as how I imagined it would be at the young age of six. I'm in the midst of wanting to "be" a woman, yet at the same time longing for those long days of doll houses and fort-building and climbing trees to the very top (not that that doesn't still happen;).

Feeling grown up and yet... still so young.
A little more on the brink of new horizons... but yet the comfort of not having to go anywhere other than home for a while yet.

The dreams are still happening... of becoming a wife, mother if He wills...
and for a few moments they seem (almost frighteningly) not so far off.
And then other days it feels like it will never happen.
Though I do look forward to that day... I feel young yet for it to happen anytime soon.

Learning the new lessons... those of the sweetness of surrendering all.
Those of the knowledge that each breath we take is grace... that all, all is grace.

And how He reveals Himself in everything.
the little things- such as where I last laid my misplaced book.
Or the big things- such as bringing back my book which I thought my computer had deleted.
Through His Word. Through the flowers. Through His nature. Through the faithfulness of the sun rising each and every morning.
The beauty in the little joys.
Through each of my piano students..

He is so wonderful!

I feel on the brink of a journey... of a lifetime.
of letting go... and seeking of Him... of memories, trials, joys, adventures- those that will pull me closer to Him who only can give them.

The more i am captivated by Him... the more I will be able to serve Him.. and glorify Him. Joy!

The beauty of letting go... of the life I'd planned for me... and my dreams.
Because, as they are relinquished... His are birthed that I could never, oh never dream of.

"If G-d gave it to me," we say, "it's mine. I can do what I want with it." No. The truth is that it is ours to thank Him for and ourfs to offer back to Him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of-- if we want to find our true selves, if we want real life, if our hearts are set on glory.
~Elisabeth Elliot.

To lift Him high, glorify Him... the only good I can ever do before my Savior is by His grace at work.
For He must increase, I must, must decrease.

Nothing, no nothing, can separate me from His Love.
No matter what we see as trials in our life, He turns around for good.
Everything is a blessing.

May He bless your day, my friends! He has truly, truly blessed mine.
