Sierra Mackenzie

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Edit Winner & Food Photo Challenge

first of all, it's a lower-caps kind of day. sometimes i wish i could write notes in my own handwriting and post them on here (so you could actually read them)... i don't know, they just seem a lot more personalized to me lately(:

anyways. congratulations to the winner of the *Edit* Photo Challenge, Nela! 
Nela, i love everything about this photo! the lighting is absolutely lovely, and the guitar strings look so... tangible. like i could reach out and brush them. the clarity is beautiful. <3
lovely work, my friend<3


Ready for a new photo challenge?
i loved the suggestion of 'food' from our winner;) i was caught by the idea at once. my sister Alexandrea held one a few months ago (she 'loves' cooking and baking, and wants to be trained in the arts of  a gormet chef/baker), and it was so much fun to enter and see entries:-)
this topic could seem kind of broad, so i'm leaving it to you to interpret it any way you'd like~ just so long as it's some kind of food, you're good to go(: use warmth, go outside, props, whatever you would prefer... can't wait to see what y'all come up with for this one!

Each photo must link back to ~His Handmaiden~
The photo must be taken by you.
You do not need to have a blog to enter; a flickr or facebook link is fine, or, if you don't have a way of linking up, you can email your entry to me at
Absolutely no inappropriate links/entries, or else your entry will be deleted.
The photo challenge will end on April 20th, and the winner will be announced next photo challenge.

I'll be posting my top picks {or all of them, depending on how many entries I get} and will leave a poll on the sidebar so y'all can pick, too... Can't wait to see what y'all come up with:-)
Have fun!

