Sierra Mackenzie

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Album Review: The House You're Building

Ever since I heard this album, Audrey Assad has become one of my favorite female artists. She is one of those singers whose CD I burned onto a disc, and play on repeat in my room- I claim she "matches my room." Audrey Assad has this full, yet wavery voice... and is full of a wistful sound of sincere worship. Whenever I hear one of her songs I just pause... because He is fully manifested in each of her songs. I love that about her. I did just recently purchase her new album, "Heart;" however, I haven't had a chance to get as familiar with it as this one. Hence, my first album review:)

Track One~ For Love of You
This is the first song of Audrey Assad's I actually heard... the Christian radio station (K-Love) where we are played it acoustic-style, and I was in awe... believe it or not, I actually had recently written a song similar in meaning a few days previously. While this song is more up-beat on the track, it still doesn't lose it's meaning. But on the other hand... if you get a chance- try to listen to the in-studio version, do it. It's lovely.
You live in a million places.
Your fingerprints can be seen on a million faces;
and there's a trace of You in every, 'Hallelujah'
every song that I sing... and for love of You, I'm a sky on fire.
Because of You, I come alive..

Track Two~ The House You're Building
The title track. This one {in my humble opinion} is about how she is tired of wandering in "old shoes..." she is ready to hand over her life to the One who was waiting for her.
All my life You've been calling me to a home You know I've been needing... I'm a broken stone.

Track Three~ Breaking Through
This is a contemplative tune. Nothing truly can be understood until the shades are removed by His hands...
I am a blind man trying to find the way
A deaf man with my ear to the ground
Just listening for what You say...

Are these just some words that I say aloud?
Is this just the sun breaking through the clouds?
Oh, I know it's more and I know somehow that
Heaven is breaking through
And it's You
Track Four~ Everything is Yours
Like it's title, Audrey Assad sings about how G-d created everything... and who am I to try to hold onto anything?
Who could command the stars to sing
Or hold the raging seas from breaking through the doors?
And tend the fragile roses with the very same hands..

If everything is Yours... I'm letting go, it was never mine to hold.

Track Five~ Restless
One of my favorite tracks off the album... He is the keeper of our hearts and lives, and we are restless until we truly rest in Him who is everywhere.
Still my heart~ Hold me close~ Let me hear a still small voice~Let it grow~Let it rise~Into a shout~ Into a cry...

Track Six~ Carry Me
The second song I heard off her album... another favorite. This brings into play Matthew 16:24-26... the take up your cross and follow Jesus. You know that 'YOLO' thing- {the one I finally found out what it stood for}"you only live once." That means, I only have one life to make Jesus known to the world. I have been finding out over the past few years that a lifetime is a fairly short-time.
This song talks about how taking up our cross can be painful at times, but that G-d is yet glorified through the pain and suffering, so:
I'll choose to believe... that as I carry this cross, You will carry me.
And Your love is an ocean wide...

Track Seven~ Ought to Be
This is truly... one of my favorite "love songs." And every word of it is true. I am so in love... with Jesus. And this song happens to name a few of my favorite things, and how we love Him best. How it may not be as beautiful as it could be-- yet. But that, love given deeply becomes what it ought to, and hearts given freely become what it ought to be.
And just on a side note, I love the imagery she brings into this song(:

Track Eight~ Known
Oh, and as the exhilaration of autumn's bite
You have brought these tired bones to brilliant life
And as the swallow knows the sky
This is how it is with You and I

He knows us... and seeks for us to know Him as well... Psalm 139. He knows us when we are sitting down, rising up... He has formed us, beauty from ashes..

Track Nine~ Come Clean
I'm not yet clear on this song... I have listened to it over and over... and the meaning that has come to light is simply that no matter how much we try to pick up the pieces of our life and put on a face, they always come crumbling down without Somone to hold them together. Try as we might to put them together, we have no idea of the bigger plans.
I'm finding what I've covered and holding it up to the morning light
I'm opening my life a little at a time and it's all right
'Cause it takes time, it takes time to come clean

Track Ten~ Run Forward
Honestly- another song I am not clear on at all... it is lovely, one of my favorite tunes; but as far as interpretation goes I am lost. However, when I first heard this song, my immediate r esponse was, perhaps, when we get to a place where we are stuck with no way out... we have to step back, begin at the beginning, and "refind" and re-evaluate our lives, while letting G-d "refine."
Now I know His strength..
Track Eleven~ Show Me
This is truly my favorite song on the album. Not only do the lyrics have such a profoundness to them... it all meshes together perfectly as one. A perfect track to end the album with.
Mercy bend and bring me back to life- but not before You show me how to die...
Learning to die to ourselves...
So let me go like a leaf upon the water
Let me brave the wild currents flowing to the sea
And I will disappear into a deeper beauty


What do you think of Audrey Assad? Would you like more music album reivews? Any suggestions?
Thanks for reading, my friends(:
