Sierra Mackenzie

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Genuine Authenticity.

  So wake up sleeper, lift your head
We were meant for more than this
Fight the shadows conquer death
Make the most of the time we have left
Kari Jobe { We Are}
~Album: Where I Find You

Lately, I've been seeing those blog buttons:
"Striving to be an Authentic Blogger." 
I like those. A lot. Because a few years ago, it was so, so  hard for me to simply "be real." I just wanted to fit in; & go pretty much un-noticed. 

I can say that I still want to go un-noticed... but in a totally different way, because of my Abba's grace. I sat down one day. And was moved to tears, because I realized how "un-authentic" I was becoming. How, G-d has given me the great gift of being like-
no-one else.
Imprinted by His gentle fingerprints.

But something else I've been striving to do for years {besides being an "authentic blogger"}, is to be truly living for Christ as the genuine thing. You know, the differences in the idea of genuine versus articial are very interesting.  An example that comes to mind immediately are diamonds {of course;)}. Diamonds, real ones, are incredible. Temporary rings, the fake "rocks" look so good at first glance. However, since the articifical imitates and the genuine sets the standard, once you study the diamond, whether it be real or fake, you can see the difference. The genuine is.

James 1 talks about the authenticity of Christianity... how we are to live a life in word, in deed, and in truth and lifestyle. So we are to be pure and blameless, holy, since He is holy. James is all about action and sincerity... and if you really think about it, my belief in Jesus as a Savior is (in my humble opinion) pretty much pointless if it doesn't. Words are to please the L-rd- to praise Him. We are to be the ones who bless... to build up... affirm...encourage...and promote...
What are we communicating?

A quiet thanks for forgiveness...
how can He even look at me? Why is He so patient and tender with me?
Ah, I am so blessed!

While deeds won't "get us to Heaven," we are specifically instructed:

Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless... Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
{James 1:26-27) be the friends of the friendless, the helpers of those who are weak.. to see the beautiful in the ugly...
Our Savior is the ultimate act of sacrifice... how beautiful. feed the hungry... to bring light to those who are hopeless.. compassion...

For me... the easiest thing to think is, " I'm fifteen years old! How can I change things?"
What He's been teaching me lately is...
 " My daughter... you are not the one to change things... I AM."
We love Him because He first loved us...

In lifestyle... to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. The plain truth is living in this world is like going on a nature hike.
Though we stay on the path most of the times, it is easy to take even a step off... {especially for me, as I take my camera with me pretty much everywhere, and I like getting different angles of different shoots... but I digress:)}. And even though the path is clear for the most part, burrs and twigs still stick to us, and scratch if we aren't careful. The point is, G-d wants us to take great care in living intentionally for Him alone.

{'Cause she's so adorable <3 <3 <3}

A bad diamond may appear perfect, but it lacks the clarity, the sparkle of a real one.
That others can tell and notice..
Are we seeking a life that honors Christ in all we do and say?

This has been on my heart this week:
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
{Romans 12:1-2}

This is my spiritual act of worship... It is G-d's Word, first and foremost, that shapes us and molds us to live for Him. And a genuine love for Jesus brings about a longing for transformation. May He make it real and keep it so.

May He slay all within me that would keep me from Himself...


 Article and Photographs Copyright of Sierra Brewer and Fresh Joys Photography. If you would like to use, please email for express permission.  Thank you.